14. Coffee Deliveries and Unbelievable Compliments

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Author here. A lot of this is Natasha, Clint, and Steve explaining to the others about what happened in the last three chapters. They haven't yet told the other Avengers, who weren't on the coms during it, the events of that night.

If you want the Avengers reactions to it, read the whole thing (And I use it to praise Spidey a ton because he deserves it). If you don't want to read that, you still need to read from the beginning of this chapter to the end of Peter's POV for some stuff to make sense. 

This isn't my favorite chapter and I was thinking of just deleting the whole thing, but I decided not to. So I hope you guys enjoy it anyways. Thanks!

Hi, Peter here. Since you all are stalkers and would get bored reading about the same thing happening over and over when you know that more is coming, there's going to be a large time skip. But the author doesn't want you to be confused so I've decided to catch you all up to speed so she doesn't have to stress about that.

Okay, here's the gist: Nothing really happened. Done.

Fine, fine, stuff happened, just not a lot. My internship continued and I got a lot closer with Echo and Elaina. I got my robot done in about two days and decided to donate it to an elderly home near SI.

Since I finished everything so soon, I was able to upgrade a ton of stuff on my suit and allow FABAE to do a lot more.

I built a noise cancellation device in my mask so that no one can overhear my conversations with FABAE and others if I have to call someone. You guys should be able to pick up the command on how I turn it on and off pretty easily.

I also increased the accuracy of my suite's eye sensors, allowing people to read my emotions better.

I actually did end up building a mini arc reactor for my suit and installing it where it couldn't get broken (and I put a USB port in my padded pocket so I could charge my phone while on patrol). I have different settings on my web shooters now, so don't be surprised about that....

I could go on, but I don't want you guys to get too bored. Just don't be surprised if more tech comes in. The author already promised that she would make sure you would understand what it is in the moment.

FABAE has access to a lot of networks now. I had to make her promise not to hack FRIDAY unless she needs to or gets my permission. She also has learned how to help me more on my Patrols, but she still knows that a lot of the time her talking to me or giving me suggestions will distract me, so she doesn't talk much during my Patrols.

The Avengers are still after me, but since they're reluctant to capture me and Director Fury isn't pressuring them as much yet, I've been able to avoid them pretty easily. How do I know about SHIELD, Director Fury, and that he isn't pressuring them you may ask? Well, I may or may not have gotten bored at the beginning of my internship when I had nothing to do and used the last hour or two to hack SHIELD and read a lot of their important files. Oops! (I'm not sorry. It was a fun little project and I learned a lot. And FABAE has access to that network too now, sooo...)

Don't judge me okay? I do my homework when it impacts me being Spider-Man.

Um... what else... Oh! Remember Mr. Insomniac and Mama Spider? Over the past few weeks I've gotten a lot closer to them and have gotten to know them. Aunt May was really hesitant at first and reminded me of my cyber security assemblies that Ive been required to go to for years (which didn't do much since I was too busy hacking or building something during those things).

Over time, and after reading our conversations though, she gave in and let me continue talking to them (I may or may not have hacked their numbers just enough to see that they weren't a threat to me. But I decided that since I value my privacy, I would keep their privacy and not see who they were. It was a harder decision though because their number's firewalls were private and more complex than the usual phone-numbers security. So my interest was peaked).

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