11. What's Sarcasm?

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After brainstorming for a bit, I decided to build a mini AI robot that would be able to do everything a nurse in an elderly home can do and more. My plan is that it can help attend to the elderly living in the center at all hours of the day because it won't have to sleep. But doesn't it have to charge you may ask? Well, no. Why? Because I decided that since this was to help others, I was going to go all out. So what did I do? Well, I built my own version of a mini arc reactor so that it can give the AI an endless supply of energy (I did it without anyone seeing of course. So don't tell anyone).

Once I had finished perfecting the part of my project I didn't want anyone to see, I decided to strike up a conversation with the two interns closest to me: Echo and Elaina. They had been chatting for a while, so I felt nervous that I would feel left out. I was completely wrong. They both are so welcoming, and we became instant friends.

By the end of the day, us interns had gotten used to working around each other. Me, Echo, and Elaina chatted and soon we became a well-working machine. Of course, when I was working on something I didn't want anyone to see, I excused myself and went to my own little corner again. They got used to it after I did it a few times, and accepted it once I told them I wasn't doing this because of them.

Flash and Jake got along great and worked together in their own little section of the lab. Jake didn't bully me as much as Flash thankfully, but he could still be a jerk sometimes. Flash enjoyed knocking me over and doing whatever he could to me. Him being around Jake though allowed Jake to keep him under control as much as possible and make sure he didn't cross any lines.

Just being in the same lab as Flash, it was obvious he didn't pass the internship test. Rather than working on anything, he just goofed off, giving extra pains to Jake who had to make sure he didn't accidentally kill himself. Once in a while, Flash would actually be working, doing just enough to make it seem like he was supposed to be there.

Justin, well, is Justin. He withdrew himself and his fancy mannerisms to work in his own little space. Even though when looking at him you wouldn't guess he would get an internship at SI, his work proved that thought process wrong. He had some great ideas and was moving at a very controlled pace.

At the end of the day, I was eons ahead of the other interns. Everyone, excluding Flash of course, had finished brainstorming and was just starting to work on their projects before our time ran out. I, on the other hand, had finished the mini arc reactor and installed it into the completed robot body that I made. Now I just have the AI left. Since it doesn't have to be very complex, I estimated that it would take me about a day.

By the time I had finished everything I could do today, I started to brainstorm ideas for improving my suit and increasing the capabilities of FABAE. I could make it bulletproof... Maybe I could put a mini arc reactor in it for unlimited power, just like I did with the robot. Oh, oh, oh! Then I can charge my phone anywhere I go with the suit.

My eyes widened when a different thought struck me. Wait... Could I use my new access to better tech to find a cure for Harry?

Before I could dive deeper into that thought and get to the bad memories, our time ran out for the day.

After giving a hug to Echo and Elaina, saying goodbye to Jake, giving a respectful nod to Justin, and avoiding Flash like the plague, I headed home.

Currently, I am getting my head bitten off by FABAE about a minor common occurrence. Nothing to worry about.

"Peter! Did you have to go in and get yourself shot?!" FABAE sternly shouts.

I groan, "I had to go in there FABAE. That is my job after all as Spider-Man."

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