Not a chapter, but a question. Sorry! :)

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Hey guys! To satisfy your guys' curiosity, yes, I am working on the next chapter.

But that's not what this is. Sorry.  :)

I finally have reached over 100 followers! Thanks so much guys! So since it's a thingy on Wattpad to do a follower special when you've reached a follower goal (mine was 100), I'm going to do that. The only problem is that I don't quite know what to do, or if you guys even WANT me to do anything. It's up to you.

If you do, I was brainstorming ideas and will just put some out there. I guess if you want me to do it, just comment on the paragraph it's in? Idk. This non-chapter is for you guys. If you don't want me to do anything, just say so here I guess.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I could do an art book. I do some digital art and just got a new 2-in-1 laptop that I'll be fooling around on with a new art platform. I'm not the best at drawing, but I have a goal to start getting better, especially with drawing Spider-Man poses because I find him fun to draw. And eh, if you guys want me to post my bad drawings for everyone to see I will. One warning on me doing an art book though is that I can't promise how regularly I would update.

We could do a Q and A where you guys just ask me questions and I answer them. Or something like that. If we end up doing that I'll make a Q and A book and you guys can submit questions there and I'll answer them if I deem them answer-worthy (which is basically most questions besides ones I feel breach my privacy too much).

The last idea I came up with was me posting a oneshot book. I actually would probably update that more regularly between me updating this books chapters. It wouldn't hinder how quickly I come out with an update on this book because it would end up keeping my creative juices flowing. They would range between a lot of different ideas, and a lot of different serious levels.

And then I guess if you guys have something else in mind you can comment it here.

And if you just don't want me to do anything, that's fine too.

Anywho, I have no idea what I'm doing with this but we're going to go with it. I'll take this down eventually. I'll probably wait a day or two for responses before acting on them.

Thanks for being there for me guys! It really means a lot to me!  <3   <3   <3

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