20. Of Course Everybody Knows Spider-Man!

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A/N: First off, Splashheart8 convinced me to coauthor a crackfic Wrong Number story with her. It's called Error 404 Person Not Found and is on the account Mama_nayk_Romanoff. Go check it out if you're bored and need something to read!

Secondly,  hello! I hope you guys are doing okay. I've been doing better than I was, and hopefully it stays that way. Fingers crossed! Thank you guys SO much for all of your well wishes and for being understanding.

Okay, sooo.... I know I told some of you guys that I would have this new chapter out two weeks ago or so. But hear me out! I was planning on this chapter being around 1,500 words long. That was the plan at least. So now here is a chapter that is nearly 6,000 words long (that's over three of my chapters long okay guys!) that I worked hard on because I wanted it to be worth the wait. Usually if a chapter gets this long, I would just split it and post it as multiple chapters, but this one is so unique that I felt like I couldn't do that. So I hope that you guys enjoy this super  long chapter and find it worth the long wait. Thank you all SOO much for being so patient with me, and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for all of your support and encouragement. It really means a lot to me! Okay, okay, I'll stop holding you guys up. I hope you enjoy!

TW: Mention of attempted suicide. This is found in the segment with Clint and Natasha.

TW: There is one paragraph that gets pretty dark. It's found in the segment with Sam and Bucky. The paragraph dialogue starts with: "What I can say for sure is that Spider-Man has seen the true monsters of this world." Just be cautious when reading it!

"Okay guys," Steve claps his hands together, "It's time to break into pairs and take to the streets. Since we have an uneven number, I'll be going on my own, but the rest of you need to pair up. And please put on some version of a disguise. You would think that you all would be competent enough that I wouldn't have to remind you to do this, but apparently not. Remember to take note of anything you think should be said in the meeting later tonight, and don't forget to stay on task," he pointedly looks at everyone before grabbing a baseball cap and sunglasses and heading to the elevator.

Natasha and Clint nod at each other and stand up, following Steve's example by grabbing a hat and sunglasses before stepping into the elevator as well.

Bruce glances around the room before his eyes come to rest on Tony, who's currently complaining about having to down-grade his sunglasses to a pair below his usual sunglasses standards, and rolls his eyes.

He walks over into the kitchen and grabs two pairs of normal sunglasses (oh the horrors!) and two hats before striding over to Tony, grabbing the fancy sunglasses off of Tony's face, tossing them onto a table across the room, and shoving the normal sunglasses where the other pair used to sit, "You're fine, Tony. Now come on."

Making sure to change Vision's appearance into one that wouldn't stand out in a street full of relatively-"normal" looking humans, Wanda and Vision head to the lobby and out into the streets of New York.

Bucky and Sam, who both hadn't moved to try and pair with someone else, narrow their eyes at each other when it's obvious that they are the only two left. Sighing, Bucky stands and offers his hand to Sam, "Come on. Let's get this over with."

*     *     *     *

Scanning his surroundings, Steve spots an African American teenager shooting hoops on a basketball court built next to a group of apartment buildings. After watching the basketball fall through the hoop the majority of the time, he walks up to the chain link fence running along the perimeter of the court. Grabbing onto the fence, he calls out, "You're really good at that."

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