19. Yet Another Point In Favor Of Our Spidey

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This chapter is yet another "meeting chapter" where the Avengers are in a meeting with Nick Fury to discuss what happened during their fight with Spider-Man and Spider-Man's face-off against Scorpio. This chapter actually ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be, ending at almost the length of two of my usual chapter sizes combined. Even though the content could be considered just another boring meeting, I hope you still enjoy it all the way through. I tried my best to write it so you would. If you have not been waiting for this update, then feel free to skip the next portion of this Authors Note and move onto the story. If you want to read the rest of this Authors Note, then I'll see you right after you finish reading this sentence.   :)

Hey everyone! I have been gone for a very loooonngg time. I guess it could be longer, but half a year is still a long time for me! I am SO sorry. First off, let me say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you for your support and caring-ness. It really means a lot to me that so many of you like my story enough to want me to continue it, even after this long wait. And I've especially enjoyed seeing some of you rereading my book and commenting on it again. It really warms my soul to have my book be somehow good enough for people to want to reread it. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who has shown me support in any little way, and to everyone reading my book! I've enjoyed reading all of your comments. Speaking of comments, as a little side-note here, I would like to thank those who have been respecting my wishes to keep the comments on this book clean and have been trying to follow those wishes. Thank you.

Because I've been gone so long, I'm worried that I fell out of "the zone" and will not write like I did before I dropped off the face of the Wattpadian planet for a while, and that I will end up upsetting the flow of this book. So I decided to go through and reread my fic in the hopes of fixing that worry at least a little bit, which explains why I answered some comments that you guys left forever ago that I never saw until my reread. It will also explain about two weeks of my absence. Now, to explain why I've been gone so long. About a year ago, I was diagnosed with not one chronic illness, but three. Oh the joys. Right after I published the chapter before this one, my health condition got waaaay worse. We had thought that we had finally figured out the correct medication and treatment, but all the medication I was taking started to fail on me all at once. So that's basically what I've been doing these past few months. Trying to balance the normal events of life with figuring out my health and medications and trying not to die. But I've made it this far and got through a HUGE checkpoint, so now I'm able to start writing again. I can't promise how close or far from each other the chapters will be published. But I'm hoping and praying that I won't get as worse as I have been, which also has the benefit for you guys of me not dropping off of the face of the Wattpadian planet again. I also don't want to go through writing withdrawals again. If I ever do seem to disappear again, ask me if I'm still active in the comments or on my conversations board. I found that after two months or so I was able to feel good enough at times to get on and answer my notifications and comments, so I should be able to answer you. Sooo.... yeah. Well, I hope that this chapter is good enough to be worthy of waiting half a year for. I love you all and hope that you enjoy!  ♡ ♡ ♡

Natasha's POV:

After getting our butts kicked by the one and only Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, we all grudgingly head to the Avengers' conference room in the Tower, where the one and only Nicholas Fury was waiting for us with a scowl on his face.

I sink into one of the chairs surrounding the long, rectangular table and do a decent job at hiding my exhaustion. All around me, the rest of the Avengers slump into their own chairs, not caring enough to do anything but wistfully imagine skipping this meeting and going straight to sleeping in a comfy bed.

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