7. Clint's in the Loop, Unlike SHIELD

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Peter's POV:

When school gets out, I wait till the hallways clear a bit before I venture out of the classroom and head towards my locker, not wanting a repeat of the Peter-embarrasses-himself episode that happened yesterday. I don't see MJ and Ned standing next to my locker, which means they must be waiting for me out front. Reaching my destination, I twist the lock and click it open. Unzipping my backpack, I transfer everything but my homework and supplies I'll use at home onto the top shelf, stacking it neatly. When I turn around to walk outside, I sadly am greeted by a very familiar face.

"What do you want Flash?" I groan.

"Just want to hang out with my favorite Puny Parker. I've been planning something all day. It will be sooo fun ... for me." Flash grins wickedly and latches onto my arm, hard. My backpack falls off of my shoulder when he starts to drag me away to the back of the school. I struggle against his grip, but reign in my strength to what "little Puny Parker" would be expected to have.

Once Flash drags me around a corner he punches me in the gut. I collapse, wheezing, and curl in on myself, making sure to cover my head with my arms. I feel his foot connect with my ribs once, twice, and at the third time, I hear a crack and breathing instantly becomes harder. Flash smirks and pulls me up by my shirt and shoves me against the wall before socking me in the face and letting me collapse back onto the ground in a heap.

"Don't forget that you deserve this Parker." Flash spits at me before walking away.

I lay there on the ground, trying, and failing, to catch my breath before I push myself up with a groan. Leaning heavily against the wall with my hand cradling my side, I wait for the wave of intense pain to pass, a constant throbbing settling over my side as it does so. Taking a deep breath, I re-familiarize myself with the sharp aching of a broken rib before bracing myself to go on living life until my healing factor kicks in like I usually do. Having a broken rib is never fun, but at least the pain is usually the same, which is weirdly comforting.

Before I can push myself off of the wall, I hear footsteps rushing up to me. I turn towards the direction they are coming from and am met with the sight of Ned's panicking face, "Peter! When you didn't show up we went looking for you and found your backpack instead. Are you okay?"

I nod while MJ walks up to me and helps me push myself away from the wall and gain my balance. She gently glares at me, attempting to mask her concern, "You idiot. You really should fight back before you're permanently injured."

We start slowly walking to the subway, "I know, I know, but I have enhanced healing remember? I should be fine by morning."

Ned looks me in the eyes, his face serious, "I don't think you should go on Patrol tonight Peter. Who knows what trouble you'll get into this time?"

"I need to go Ned, not just for the people of New York, but for my sanity. You know how much this means to me! Besides, FABAE will make sure to protect and help me. And I installed that tracker in her, remember?"

MJ sighs, "Fine, but you got to promise to call Ned or me if you're in serious trouble."

I flash her the best smile I can manage with the pain, "I promise."

By now we are stepping onto the subway and finding seats. I collapse into the chair and wince at the brief agony that shoots down my side.

Once we reach our stop we stand up and MJ offers me her arm. I wave it away before explaining, "I think I've healed enough I can walk on my own." She arches an eyebrow at me before rolling her eyes.

As we head towards our homes I can't help but notice how she subtly sticks closer to me than usual, ready to catch me if I fall. When we reach where we split up I wave to them and walk the last few blocks alone. I open the door and toss my backpack onto the couch before slipping off my shoes next to the entryway and walking into the kitchen, "May! I'm home!"

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