8. Ladies Consider Risking One's Life Hot

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A/N: Hey everyone! I am SO happy that you have stuck with me so far and have continued reading this crappy fanfic! Please please don't be silent readers. Your comments are what keep me going. I am really struggling with knowing if I should continue this or not. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this next part. With that said, lets get reading!

As we head towards where Spider-Man was spotted, I adjust my earpiece so that it sits comfortably against my ear. Tony and the others should be listening to our interaction from the living room with the ability to talk to me, Clint, and Steve to help us on our mission. I think back to what Clint said about the rumors revolving around Spider-Man's fights. What are his powers? How strong is he? Are those rumors true?

Ugh. I huff to myself. How do we know basically nothing about this guy?

My thought bubble bursts when Steve stops in front of us. "We're getting close. What's our plan?" He asks me and Clint.

I pause for a moment before answering, "Since we don't have much info we should probably just approach him. Fury said to do everything we could to get him in a nonviolent way."

Clint nods, "I agree. We should assess his morals as well. Do we even know how violent this guy is?"

Steve starts running again towards our destination. When we round the corner of the roof of the building we are on, we spot a figure in red and blue crouching on the edge of the roof of the building next to ours, relaxed and surveying the city. We make sure he can't see us as we lurk in the shadows, unsure of when to reveal ourselves. After a moment of silence Spider-Man tenses up and his head rotates slightly in our direction.

Steve glances at us puzzled, his face reflecting what we're all thinking: He couldn't have possibly seen us. Does he know we are here?

Before we have the opportunity to move from our position, Spider-Man's head whips away from us and he jumps up, his whole body tense with energy. He takes off across the rooftops and swings away.

"Uh.... guys? What just happened?" Clint wonders out loud.

For once I am baffled as well, "I... I have no idea."

Our coms crackle for the first time and Tony's voice echoes in my head, "Well, don't just stand there. Follow him!"

All three of us spring into action, running in the same direction Spider-Man disappeared to. After a few minutes we stop and spin around, "Where'd he go?"

Steve lets out a frustrated huff, "Tony, do you have anything? We lost him."


"I have not heard anything about Spider-Man since he was lost, sir."

Tony growls, "Well I guess you guys should jus-"

He gets cut off as FRIDAY interrupts, "An apartment fire has just been reported with Spider-Man at the scene. The officials are struggling to get it under control. If you follow 12th Avenue you should be able to see the smoke in a minute or two."

I leap along the rooftops lining 12th Avenue, glancing behind me to make sure the two pea-brains were following me, "Come on!"

In no time at all I'm staring down at the hectic scene. The fire is burning so hot that even from where I'm standing I can feel the intense heat.

A figure crashes out of a window on one of the top floors and swings down to the paramedics, handing two unconscious children to them. After making sure they'll be okay, Spider-Man turns around, about to rush back into the building, when a police officer stops him. They seem to exchange a hasty conversation where the police officer gestures to the building, shaking his head. Spider-Man claps him on the shoulder and dismisses him, swinging up into the window he exited from.

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