25 ½. Greg's Alive Too! Yay!

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So yeah... I killed Greg... temporarily (which wasn't originally the plan. He was supposed to stay dead!).

I REALLY wanted to kill Greg off right there and it was the perfect place and I have had it all planned out for FOREVER but then Greg was like "Um, no. I'm not leaving Peter alone when he has supervillains after him" and forced himself into the plot in future chapters of the book and I had to completely replan everything. But I already had my heart set on writing his death scene to see how much emoting I could get you guys to do (Which I hopefully got you guys to feel emotions. Maybe? Please let me know if I succeeded! I never feel like my writing is good enough to connect with my readers like that so it would be nice to know if I succeeded) and because I was really excited to write his death scene as I've never written a death scene before, so I wrote it anyways. I mean, I'm not mad at Greg because I totally understand where he's coming from and I absolutely love him as a character, so I'm kinda happy he didn't die, but at the same time, let me give Peter more angst! And no Greg, what I have planned for him isn't enough already!

So here's the way the fic is actually going to go. And you have Greg to thank for convincing me that it would be better for him to stay alive and by Peter's side and that I enjoy writing him enough and love him as a character enough to not permanently kill him. XD

I hope you guys enjoy!

I turn my head to face the last goon right as he lifts his gun and fires. I move to dodge out of the way but quickly abort my movement when I remember that I am positioned in a way that puts Greg right behind me. Shifting my body, the bullet hits me right under my collarbone, causing me to give a little grunt of pain.

Webbing the gun out of his hands before he can fire off another shot, I quickly web him to the floor and knock him out, just like all the rest of his buddies.

Turning to face Greg, I find him staring at me with his eyebrows drawn in worry, "Are you okay? That was a pretty tough fight and I just saw you take a bullet."

I walk around to the back of the column to untie his bonds, "I'm fine, but my healing is already healing over this bullet while also trying to push it out at the same time. And that will make it start hurting even more."

Greg pulls his arms around to the front and rubs his wrists, "Oof. That's not the best. What do you want to do? I assume you don't have anything with you to cut it out."

I grimace, "No, I don't." After a moment of thought, I come to a conclusion, "You know what? I think it's past time for you to meet my family."

Greg pauses, "What?"

I smile at him, "How do you feel about swinging?"

Greg's eyes widen slightly, whether that's at the implications of me revealing my identity to him or me asking him if I can take him swinging or both, I don't know, "Um... I guess it doesn't hurt to try?"

My smile widens, "Great! Let me just call the cops first to tell them what happened and have them pick all these goons up and then we can head out."

Once I can hear the sirens on their way I lead Greg outside and turn my back to face him, "Hop on my back like a piggyback ride. That'll free up my hands and I'm sticky all over when I want to me so...

And this is how much I had written before my brain was Ctrl-A-Deleted. RIP. I'll be continuing this after I have reread everything and come up with a plan for where I think this was heading. I REALLY wish I could have remembered what I had planned for this because the author's note at the top sounds like it was really something. I probably have notes somewhere.... At least I hope so. If I can find them that is. 😅

Anyways! I'm alive and will be back with a new chapter once I've reread what I had written and figured out where this was heading. Thanks for being so supportive and patient with me. I love you all! <3 :D

(Also, this is part two of a double update. If you're confused, go read the Author's Note that was published in the section before this one)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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