5. Walruses and New Personalities

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A/N: Hey guys!

First off, this story has reached 200 reads!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Thanks SO much you guys for all of your support and for reading this story! I really appreciate your views and votes and it makes me so happy that other people are enjoying my writing!

Second, please bear with me through the beginning of this story. I know that it is moving slowly and that it can get pretty boring at times, but I am setting the stage for some hard core emotional roller coasters in the rest of this story. So thank you so much for reading through these initial chapters if you do!

And last of all, I want to state a few things about the timeline here and what versions I am using. My philosophy is that this is my fanfic so I can do whatever I want! So I am really combining a ton of different villains and events from different versions of Spider-Man to make my ideas for the plot work. I am sorry if that bothers you, but I am writing this for fun and I really do hope you enjoy it. I try to make sure that as things come up I clarify what they are and how they fit into everything. If you are still confused, feel free to ask for clarification in the comments! I also want to add that Peter has created his own suit and his own Artificial Intelligence, named F.A.B.A.E. He spent a lot of hours and hard work on getting the necessary materials to build it and actually building it. I tried to make that a bit evident in the story so far, but I just wanted to clear that up.

For everyone who actually read through all of this super long authors note, you get a prize! Here is a Spider-Man plushie just for you! Make sure to cuddle it always!

Okay, onto the story (Finally). Enjoy!

I step out of the shower, rid of the chemicals I used for cleaning the house, and towel dry my hair. I pull on my comfy sweatpants and a soft t-shirt before stepping in front of the mirror with my brush in hand. I quickly attempt to brush my hair down before I look at my reflection and laugh. My hair looks like a wet rat. Oh well, I can't do much. Besides, my hair will dry and poof up anyways in its classic brown curls. It's uncontrollable.

I walk into the kitchen just as the doorbell rings, "I'll get it!" I yell, dashing to the door before Aunt May can move away from the food she is almost done preparing. She smiles at me and rushes to finish.

I unlock the deadbolt on the front door before swinging it open. A huge smile spreads across my face as I greet some of the best people I know, "Hi Julia, Hi Jeff, Hi Kate! Come on in!"

As they step inside, Julia and Kate give me a hug while Jeff claps me on the back and chuckles, "Hi Pete, how've you been this week?"

"Well, school is school. But there's a huge surprise test tomorrow that nobody is telling us what's for." I ramble on, "Oh, and I'm going to Neds house for a movie night with him and MJ after we get you guys settled."

"That sounds like a lot of fun! I guess we both get to hang out with friends tonight huh?"

Kate smiles, "And I know you'll do great on the test Peter."

"Thanks guys!"

I walk over to Aunt May and grab a tray of snacks to bring over for her. I also pull out the DVDs they can choose from and set them next to the TV.

After I have finished that, Aunt May carefully shuffles into the room, balancing the last trays on her hands, "Thanks for doing that hunny."

"No problem! Welp, I'm gonna go. I larb you!"

"I larb you too!"

A chorus of "Bye Peter! Have fun!" follows me out of the door.

As I walk down the sidewalk heading towards Ned's house, just a few minutes walk from mine, thoughts encircle me.

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