9 ½. The Teleporting Coffee Pot, Scary Natasha, and Tony Flips

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And for those who don't celebrate Thanksgiving or are not familiar with this holiday, Happy Day to you! I hope you guys enjoy this short, little, fluffy scene as the Avengers prepare their Thanksgiving feast. 

The kitchen is both hectic and organized at the same time. Food is being prepared by Pepper, Steve, and Bucky, while Clint complains about having to help (instead he wants to go expand his nest in the vents). Natasha has headphones in and is quietly humming in the background. She has just finished sweeping the debris scattered around on the floor in the non-chaotic area of the kitchen into a little pile and is now moving onto the dining room.

Tony, surprisingly, is in bed asleep. When Pepper finally managed to get him into bed, he promptly passed out and has been sleeping there for a solid day now. No one dares face the wrath of Pepper by waking him up to come help prepare. When Pepper wants to, she can inspire as many nightmares in someone that goes to sleep listening to their favorite horror film as Natasha.

Wanda and Vision is bustling around the dining room, setting the long table up for a feast.

Sam is in the common room, scattering bean bags around the room, gathering blankets and draping them over the couches and aforementioned bean bags, pulling out games to play, and setting out a stack of movies to pick from.

FRIDAY is doing her job as well, and by that I mean making sure no one gets hurt, burns the place down, accidentally gives the team food poisoning, breaks anything breakable, and last of all (and the most important job, hence why Pepper gave it to FRIDAY), make sure no one sneaks any food from the dessert section.

Amid the hustle and bustle almost no one notices the groggy Tony shuffling into the kitchen, unaware of what's going on around him as his only thought is directed towards getting his morning coffee. He shuffles to where the coffee maker usually sits, and automatically reaches his hand out to grasp the pot. His face contorts into a hilarious expression of confusion mixed with other unreadable emotions (which FRIDAY makes sure to capture and send to the others for a good laugh and blackmail material) when his hand swipes through thin air. He glances around and his brain finally starts to turn on just enough to process that his best friend in the mornings, his beloved coffee pot, was previously moved over into the dining room to make more room for the food coming out of the oven.

He promptly starts to stumble in that direction, finally awake enough to go around the bustling chefs moving to and fro. However, when his destination is finally in sight, two toned arms grab him as they flawlessly and expertly flip him over a shoulder, slamming him onto the floor with no mercy. The air rushes out of Tony with a strangled and pained sound, leaving him floundering on the floor like a surprised goldfish who just survived a tornado, coming out unscathed other than possessing a very haggard appearance.

After blinking a few times in surprise, Tony looks up to find a very unhappy Natasha glaring down at him.

"Nobody steps in my swept up pile," Natasha hisses at him, venom lacing her words.

Tony rotates his head to the side, his eyes coming to a rest on a neatly swept up pile of crumbs, dust, trash, what looks like cat hair (wait, are those from... Goose? What the... When was Goose here?), and whatever else that was lying on the floor, all of which is right smack dab in the middle of Tony's previous path to the coffee pot.

With that said, Natasha gives Tony one last warning glance before popping her headphones back in and picking up where she left off.

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