22. Shadows on the Horizon

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A/N: I'm not super happy about this chapter, but I hope you enjoy it anyways!

Thanks for continuing to be patient with me. You guys are AMAZING!  <3

Peter's POV:

Stepping into the intern lab, I'm immediately approached by Matt, "Hey Peter! You've finished everything you're assigned right? You're just working on personal projects?"


Matt smiles, "So does that mean you're willing to deliver coffee to floor thirty-eight for me again? I'm so sorry to keep asking this of you, it's just been a huge help."

I smile back, "Oh, it's no problem."

"Great! Thank you so so much," He transfers two coffee cups over to me and nods towards the elevator, "I think you know the drill by now."

"Yup, I do," I head towards the elevator and step in, "Hey Fri! I'm supposed to be delivering these coffee's to floor thirty-eight again."

"Very well Peter," The elevator starts to go up, "Please remember to not touch anything without permission."

"Will do Fri," I step out when the elevator stops and set the coffee down on the table, my eyes catching on the half-solved equation on the whiteboard. I study it for a moment before asking FRIDAY for permission to grab a paper and pen. Once it's granted, I copy down the equation and get to work.

Without any prompting, I start to hum a tune I was listening to on the way here that's been stuck on loop in my head ever since. I bob my head slightly to the beat as my pen glides across the paper and, after getting stuck a few times, I finally finish the equation, lifting it up with a small shout of triumph, "Yes!"

Still bobbing my head to the beat, I study the assortment of magnets on the whiteboard next to me, finally picking a Toothless magnet and magnetizing my solution next to the unfinished work, "There."

Satisfied, I ask one last question before I leave, "Hey FRIDAY? Can you please make sure the owner of this lab sees my paper?"

"Why don't you just show him yourself?" A voice behind me says.

Tony's POV:

I just finished reading the last page of a stack of papers when I hear the elevator to my lab ding and Bruce's voice, "Tony?"

"I'm in here!" I call out, swiveling in my wheeled chair to face the doorway.

"What're you doing in here?" Bruce asks in bewilderment once he sets eyes on me.

"Well you remember that kid I told you about? The one that you said should be my personal intern if he passed my tests?"


"Well he passed my tests with flying colors and I also found these," I gesture to the papers in front of me, "Which just proves my point. Although they bring up a couple questions too..."

Bruce steps closer and peers down curiously at the stack of papers, the top of which has a big red 100% circled on it with a little 'Wow! Good job!' right next to it, "And these are?"

"This is the standard intern test that only you and me have ever gotten one-hundred percent in. This kid managed to not only get one-hundred percent, but his answers to the last page of questions that are like 'What are your goals in life?' and 'What is your greatest accomplishment?' just prove how amazing of a person he is as a whole! I mean, just read his answer to the question that asks how he can best make a difference in the world." I flip to the last page and slide it over to Bruce, who quietly reads it.

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