18 ½. Moments Too Beautiful To Actually Delete

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A/N: These are just drafts. Please keep that in mind while reading.

Peter's POV:

I swung through the city and sat on the roof of a building on the outskirts of the suburbs. I listen to the honking of horns, the sound of a plane flying overhead, the leaves rustling in the trees and sigh deeply, heavily weighed down by my thoughts

-insert troublesome thoughts-

I hear a door open and then slam from a few houses away. A 12 year old kid stomps to the edge of the house's porch and sits down, his eyebrows scrunched together as he glares murderously at the lawn.

I tilt my head, curious, my heavy thoughts fading away for now.

I continue to watch as the front door opens softer than before and what I assume to be the kids mother steps out of the house, "Come on, please Larry? I even let you wait till it was cool outside."

The ki- Larry hops up onto his feet and spins around to face his mom, "No! Why do we even have a lawn in the first place? The lawn is stupid!" He spits the last word out, his eyebrows coming even closer together.

The mother shakes her head softly at her kids rude outburst, "Come on honey, you know you need to do this every week."


She sighs, "Well, I can't let you in until you do it then."

Larry plops back down on the porch, his glare returning as he crosses his arms in front of him, "Fine!" He snaps.

The mother gazes down at the back of her son with a soft, patient expression on her face, "Well, then, I guess I will see you soon." She steps inside and closes the door behind her.

Larry grumbles to himself for a few minutes before he comes to a decision. He bolts up and stomps around the house to the garage, grabbing the lawn mower.

I chuckle and shake my head at the kids antics. I remember those days. I wish I still only had to worry about not wanting to mow the lawn...

* * * *

I stopped 4 muggings, 2 rapes, helped a window washer retrieve his roller that he dropped down 5 stories so that he wouldn't have to go all the way back down to get it, and saved a dog who was stuck in the top of a tall tree (Don't even think about asking how the dog got stuck up there.)

* * * *


Hey guys!

Did you know that bananas naturally split into thirds?

Mama Spider


Mr. Insomniac




If you take a bite from the banana you can look and see the inside right?

Mr. Insomniac

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