21. Why Fury's Wrong

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A/N: Hi guys! I hope that you all have been doing okay. If not, know that I'm here for you.

Also! FictionFanTeen is absolutely wonderful and has started posting a little series of chapters about Greg and Peter going camping together with some other policemen from the Queens Police Department. They're absolutely AMAZING and full of fluff that will just warm your heart and you should totally go and read them! It's in her book called Stories Focussed on Spider-Man. I also highly suggest reading the other mini-stories in the book. She's a really good author and you won't regret it!

Here is yet another long chapter for you guys that I really hope you guys enjoy. 

I have to also make a note that I switched the texting formatting because this new formatting will now be drastically easier for me. The person who's actually physically texting (Usually whoever's POV it is) is now on the right instead of on the left. Just thought I should give you guys a heads-up. 

I don't have anything else to say, so get to reading!

TRIGGER WARNING: Peter has the start of a panic attack because of his PTSD. It's right at the very beginning of his math class and goes until he starts texting Mr. Insomniac and Mama Spider.

Peter's POV:

I stare at the ceiling above the bed I'm stretched out on, my hands behind my head and my feet swinging in and out gently as I take a deep breath in, then let it all out in a rush. My mind feels more settled than before, and the haze of unreasonable panic constantly surrounding me has diminished. It's taken quite a few sessions to get to this point, but it's turned out to be worth it. A smile forms across my face as I once again move to thank the person responsible, "I can't thank you enough FABAE for doing this for me."

"Of course Peter. Anything for my ragazzino. I told you I am done sitting on the sidelines and that I am going to do something about it. What else do you think I am going to use my new psychology degree for?"

Lately FABAE has been going through all sorts of nicknames for me from languages all over the world. I can't quite figure out why, but at this point there's not much I can do. Sadly, that still doesn't stop a blush from warming my cheeks as I roll over to stuff my face into the pillow, vainly hiding the redness spreading across my face.

FABAE coos, "Awww you are so cute!"

"FABAE!" I squeak into the pillow, voice muffled.

She laughs, "I am just stating truth," her tone grows more serious as she continues, "but hey, I wanted to let you know how strong you have been. I know that this can not have been easy, but you have kept pushing along anyways. I'm proud of you."

Warmth spreads through my chest as I smile into the pillow. I lie there for a moment before something registers in my mind, causing me to sit up swiftly, "FABAE! You finally said your first contraction!"

"I did?" There's a pause as FABAE goes over what she said, "I did!"

I bounce slightly in excitement, "I'm honestly so impressed with how far you've come. I've also noticed your ability to express emotions has increased too."

"Really?! You think so?"

"FABAE, I know so."

She squeals.

Our shared excitement is interrupted by a knock on my closed bedroom door, Aunt May's voice quickly following, "Hey Peter? Breakfast is ready, so whenever you guys are finished, just head on into the kitchen. And don't forget that you need to be out the door for school in ten."

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