24. What a Way to Crash a Meeting

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A/N:  So sorry this chapter took so long, I really struggled with it, hence why it's so bad (at least in my opinion). So sorry again for the quality and how long it took, but I hope that you enjoy it at least a little bit.

TW: Brief mention of Spider-Man stopping a suicide

Shifting my weight to my toes, I start running towards Green Goblin, shooting a web ahead of me to blind him, "You ready to dance Goblin?"

He opens his mouth to reply but grunts instead when the web hits his eyes. He starts to automatically reach up to start trying to tear it off, leaving me the opening I need to jump up and kick him in the chest, pushing off of it to backflip and land back on the roof.

The Green Goblin nearly falls off of his glider, but quickly corrects his footing to bring it back under him. Before he can fully get his balance, a web splats onto his chest that I tug, causing him to start falling towards me. I wind back to punch him in the face but end up jumping away instead when my spider sense blares, causing me to miss the sharp blades on the front of Goblin's glider that he had aimed towards my chest.

I land on the other side of the roof and scoff, "Hey! That wasn't very nice. Trust me, you don't want a spider shishkabob. They're not very tasty. Although," I strike a pose, "they sure do look good."

Growling, Goblin puts some distance between me and him so that he can finish getting the webs off of his eyes.

While he's working on the webs, I shoot one myself and swing so that I land on the skyscraper behind him and crouch, ready to pounce. Goblin finally rips the webs off and narrows his eyes when he can't see me. Right when he starts to spin around I tackle him, "Peekaboo!"

Hitting him roughly, I knock his glider off balance, causing us to go tumbling through the air.

While falling, I go to web one of his arms to his side but before I can the other one punches me across the face, knocking me off of Goblin.

I shoot a web to catch myself and start swinging towards a skyscraper before my spidey sense blares, causing me to shoot another web quickly with my other arm and tug, changing my direction and just barely avoiding a bomb.

I glance behind me to see Goblin lobbing more bombs at me. I shoot another web and tug, once again barely avoiding another bomb. Repeating the process, I eventually find myself in a patch of skyscrapers further in the city. Landing on the side of one I yell, "You know Gobby, bombs aren't toys. They shouldn't be played with."

I rapidly fire a bunch of webs towards Goblin that he dodges. He throws another bomb without giving me time to shoot a web and swing away, causing me to have to jump towards the bomb instead.

I go to kick it away, praying that it won't explode in my face. When it doesn't, I start to shoot a web to catch myself but then realize through my spider sense that I didn't kick it far enough away, meaning that when it goes off, both me and Goblin are caught in its blast radius, blowing us both back in opposite directions.

I grunt as the blast knocks the wind out of me and pushes me through the air at a high velocity, causing me to crash into the side of a skyscraper and actually shatter the window.

I land on my back and feel myself slide down what seems to be a long meeting table, knocking everything on the table out of the way. I come to a stop at the end of the table and just lay there for a second, sprawled out on the table and staring at the ceiling.

Taking a breath, I prop myself up by the elbows and look around, just noticing all of the Avengers, along with Nick Fury, staring at me in surprise.

Chuckling nervously, I lift my hand and wiggle my fingers at them in greeting, "Hi guys."

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