12. He's BaAAcCkK

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A/N: AAHHHH! We have reached 2.5K!!!!! Thank you all SOOO much! Now onto the story!

I turn around to see Captain America, Hawkeye, and Black Widow again.

My eyes widen, "Guys, now is not the time. It's even worse than last time."

They look at me, their eyebrows scrunched together, "It doesn't matter, we need you to come with us. We really don't want to have to fight you."

My anger gets the best of me for a moment, "Yeah, well, I don't want to fight you either. But keeping the people around me safe means more to me than that. And if you guys would even care about what happens in this city, you would know that it does matter right now. My job isn't done here yet."

They look around and their faces grow more puzzled at the chaos.

Greg, who had quietly excused himself to talk to a police officer who had run up to us with a panicked expression, runs in-between me and the Avengers, panic flashing across his face.

He turns towards them and bluntly states, "Now is not the time guys. Go play in your Tower and stop coming into a scene with no info and risking people's lives by doing so."

Shock illuminates the Avengers' faces before Greg turns to me, the panic evident on his face only for someone who knows him, "Spider-Man, he moved the time table up! He's going to kill them all in ten minutes." Greg pauses and his eyes grow slightly distant. Knowing him, he's listening to someone on the other side of his comm. Because of how much I respect him, I make an effort not to listen in. His eyebrows bunch together, "Spider-Man, he's asking specifically for you to come in. Do you have any idea why?"

Confusion fills me, "I doubt I know him personally. I mean, I guess it makes sense if he's doing so because he wants a hero or somebody of importance to come in and save the day. But somehow I doubt that."

Greg nods, "I'm glad we're on the same page."

I hear Captain America politely clear his throat behind me. Oh, yeah. I had forgotten about them.

Me and Greg turn to face them. I glance at Greg and see a question in his eyes. I know him well enough to understand that he is asking if he should let the Avengers get involved and help me. I hesitate for a minute and silently ask him if he really thinks that that is a good idea, that the Avengers could help. He nods slightly. It takes me a moment before I make up my mind and nod at him.

We turn our attention back to the Avengers, who seem puzzled about our little silent exchange.

Greg faces them full-on, and his natural commanding manner slips back into place, "Okay Avengers, there are still hostages in the building. Spider-Man has gotten about half of them out without complications. Now we need to get the other half out, but they're with the active shooter who just moved our time table up. We have about..." He checks his watch, "eight minutes till our time runs out. Spider-Man knows what he's doing. You all are going to follow him for now."

Hawkeye opens his mouth but gets cut off by Greg, "Nuh uh uh. I won't hear it. You three need to put aside your opinions and listen to Spider-Man."

Black Widow looks annoyed before nodding along with the other two.

Greg nods his head once in affirmation and looks back at me, "Okay, you're up."

I smile at him and turn towards the Avengers, "I just cleared out all of the hostages from the back room. There's a guard immobilized outside the door of where the hostages were kept. I need you three to go in through that back door quietly to catch the robber off guard where he is weakest. Since he wants me, I'm going to go swinging in through the front door. We don't know for sure why he asked for me specifically, so I'm going to try to figure that out."

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