25. Physically or Not

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A/N: I'm back again! Sorry I disappeared for so long, I'm still figuring out my health (that just seems to be refusing to get better) and so I write when I can, which hasn't been much lately. However! I got some good news recently and, if what we think is going on with my health is actually the case, I should get much better soon! And then hopefully I can write more because I really do enjoy writing. But that's what we thought last time and I just got worse so... yeah. Please wish me luck on figuring out how to start feeling better! And then actually start feeling better for longer than a week!

I also want to apologize if my writing style has gotten worse. To me it feels like once I finally felt good enough to write this chapter, whatever I ended up writing just seemed worse than usual. We are our own harshest critics though, so I hope I'm wrong and my writing style has stayed okay. Anyways, I'll leave you to your reading! <3

Peter's POV:

I lower my hand after wiggling my fingers at the Avengers and smile nervously, remembering that the last time I saw them all they were trying to capture me. My Spider Sense isn't going off though so rather than quickly defenestrating myself to get away from them I just sit up fully and take them all in. I inwardly smile at their surprised expressions because none of us (Including me of course) expected this to happen, "So, uh, sorry for crashing your party. I promise it isn't my fault."

Black Widow's eyebrows raise, "Well whose fault is it then?"

"Well that's an easy answer! It's" I turn my head to face the window as the sound of Harry's glider grows louder, "his."

Crazed cackling accompanies the sound of the glider as Harry floats into view, taking in the occupants of the room, "Oh look, you found some friends. The amazing and strong Avengers. Protectors of the world. Hmmmm," he taps his finger to his chin. "Well in that case Spider-Man, I'm going to take my leave. You better keep an eye out since we'll be seeing each other again very soon no doubt."

I shoot a web at him hoping to stop him from leaving but am too slow, allowing him to slip away with a parting cackle. Slamming my hand to the table in frustration, I groan, "I was really hoping to capture him and get it all done with."

I hop to my feet and stride to the other end of the table, suddenly all too aware of all the eyes on me. Turning to face them I point my thumb over my shoulder at the gaping window, "So uh, I don't feel like being taken in today so imma just gonna go."

I turn to leave but stop at a quick "Wait!" from Fury.

Not sensing any bad intentions with my Spider Sense, I turn to him with my eyebrows raised, "What?"

"I've changed my mind about you Spider-Man and so have the Avengers. Can you and I make some sort of deal so that I know you can be held accountable for your actions?"

I smile at him, "You know, I thought you'd never ask. I've had a solution to your problems with me for a while now just waiting to be used," Fury opens his mouth but I hold a hand up to stop him. "But now isn't the time to go into it as I still have a patrol to finish. When it's time, which should be in a day or two, I'll come to you."

"How are you going to do that?" Hawkeye asks.

I wink at him, "I have my ways. Stay safe guys." I give them another salute before shooting a web and pulling myself out the window.

*      *      *      *

The rest of patrol is fairly uneventful, and I find myself lounging on the edge of a building waiting for my hearing or Spidey Sense to pick something up or for the police radio to go off with something they can't handle on their own.

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