10. The Levels of a Rainbow (Plus Silver and Gold)

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When the final bell rings I am thrumming with excitement. I have an internship at SI! Aaahhhh!!!

I decide to brave the crowded halls and weave my way to my locker, hoping that if I'm fast enough I can avoid Flash. After putting everything that I don't need in my locker I cross my fingers and rush towards the exit.

When I'm just a few strides from relative safety my Spider Sense rings slightly.

Drat. I grumble, just before I consciously don't avoid the leg that shoots out in front of me. I trip and faceplant on the tile, my backpack thwapping painfully against my back.

The collar of my shirt presses uncomfortably against my throat as I am yanked up. I am slammed against the wall and kneed in the stomach.

I double over in pain, the sharp movement making a drop of red splat onto the tiled floor.

I wipe my wrist against my nose, pulling it away to see a line of blood.

"Hello Flash," I squeeze out.

"Puny Parker," Flash punches me in the stomach, "I thought I told you to stay out of my way and not get the internship. Well guess what? You've failed at both of those."

"Flash, I honestly thought that I wouldn't get-" I am cut off by Flash punching me as hard as he can. I hear my nose break as I crumple to the floor.

Flash glances down the hallway and, seeing no one that would tattle, he starts to kick me, "It doesn't matter does it Parker? You got in either way and you're paying the price. You're worthless. A nobody orphan. Don't ever forget that you deserve this." He gives me one last kick before leaving me on the floor.

So much for avoiding Flash today.

As I lay there, Flash's words start to sink in Maybe I am worthless. I'm Spider-Man for crying out loud and getting beaten to a pulp by a high schooler! So many people I couldn't save.....

Tears pool when I think that last thought.

After lying there for a few minutes I gather up the will-power to push myself up off of the floor, leaning against the wall for support.

Getting a hold of my emotions, I walk to the closest bathroom and look in the mirror. One glance at my nose is all it takes for me to confirm that it's broken. I take a deep breath, steeling myself, before expertly resetting my nose. I guess one of the perks of being Spider-Man is that I'm a pro by now at fixing any type of injury.

After cleaning myself up, I glance at my watch and realize that if I don't leave now, I'm going to arrive late to my first day of the internship.

I rush to the subway and, after claiming one of the hanging handles to keep me in place, a thought strikes me. Aunt May! I didn't tell her about the internship!

I whip out my phone, thankful that the force of my action didn't send it flying out of my hands, and shoot Aunt May a quick text.


Aunt May!

Guess what!

It turns out that the big test I told you about was for an internship at Stark Industries and I got in!

But the internship starts today so I'll be there till around dinner time.

I hope that's okay.

Aunt May

Thanks for finally remembering I exist and texting me that honey


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