23. Mr. Spider-Man

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A/N: Hello everyone! I'm not super proud of this one as I struggled hard with writer's block and my health throughout this chapter, so sorry about that. Thanks for being patient!

Also, I have finally gotten around to writing a Spider-Man oneshot and publishing it in what should hopefully become a book of oneshots centered around our web-slinger. If you like my writing or just want something to read, feel free to check that out.

Without further adue, I hope you enjoy!

I abruptly stop walking, "Wait, the Green Goblin as in Harry?"

"Yes the Green Goblin as in Harry! Who else would I-" Ned cuts himself off before switching tracks. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is you not going out on Patrol today. He's after you and it won't be safe."

I sigh and continue walking to the subway station, "Ned, Patrol is never safe. Besides, if Harry's after me then he'll find me either way. He's my best friend. He knows who I am and won't hesitate to use that information in his quest for... I don't know. Revenge? That doesn't sound quite right, but whatever. I'm not analyzing his motives right now. What I'm saying Ned, is that I'm going on Patrol when I get home. People out there need me and there's no point in attempting to hide and eventually fail. I don't even want to hide anyways."

Ned's quiet for a moment, "Okay, I see your point, but that doesn't mean I'm happy with it," he inhales sharply. "Peter, what about Aunt May! She's in serious danger since Harry knows who you are. He could use her to get to you!"

I shake my head while stepping onto the subway, "No Ned, I honestly don't think she's in any danger if I make sure she stays out of Harry's way. Remember that I grew up with Harry. I was his only friend before you and MJ came along. Harry's dad wasn't really a dad to him so growing up the only true parent figures he had were Aunt May and Uncle Ben," I continue before Ned can interrupt. "Harry may have a few screws loose right now ever since he turned into the Green Goblin, but he still has some morals about specific things that are sort of hard wired into him. I'm pretty positive Aunt May is one of those few things, which I'm extremely grateful for. I doubt Harry would harm Aunt May unless she stood in his way, which I'll do anything I can to prevent."

"Are you really willing to risk Aunt May on that?"

"Yes. I've seen Harry go out of his way to avoid attacking me in my home where Aunt May could be when he has the chance to get me on Patrol or around the city."

"Okay, I trust you. But Peter?"


"Tell FABAE to send me updates, which includes when you start patrolling."

"Will do, but I doubt I'll be able to pick up your call if Harry does go after me. I'll probably be busy fighting him off or something."

"Yeah, I know. But I'll still appreciate those updates," There's a pause before Ned continues. "Speaking of Harry, are you still attempting to find a cure for him?"

"Yeah," I follow the crowd of people exiting the subway and start my walk home. "It hasn't been on the top of my priority list for a bit because of all of this Avengers mess right now, but since I now have access to some of the Stark Industries labs, I have an even higher chance of figuring it out. I haven't given up hope yet," I pause. "Actually, now that I'm Mr. Stark's intern I don't know if that'll work anymore. But I'll figure it out. If I can't use those resources anymore it'll just take more time."

"Wait wait wait, back up for a moment. What's this about being Mr. Stark's intern?"

I perk up, "Oh yeah! That's why I called you. I can barely believe it myself, but I ended up meeting Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark made me his personal intern! How exciting is that?!"

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