17. I'm TRYING Not To Hurt You!

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A/N: Hey y'all! Happy New Years Eve! To celebrate, I decided to post a chapter early. I hope you all enjoy!

I don't want to be the one that starts the fight, so I just stand there awkwardly, waiting for something to happen.

Within a few seconds my spidey senses go off.

Bullet. Move left.

I quickly step to my left and a bullet speeds through the space where my leg used to be. Stepping to my left again, I dodge an arrow.

I hone myself into my spidey senses, listening intently to them, knowing that they've been the reason I've made it out of so many fights alive.

I start backflipping over and sliding under bullets, knives, arrows, beams of energy, and a swooping Falcon. As I do so, I make sure to stay away from Vision, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, and Captain America. I really don't want to have to go into hand-to-hand combat with them. If I do that, the chances of this battle ending with serious injuries dramatically increase.

"Peter!" FABAE shouts at me.

I startle and jerk out of my groove, leading to a bullet grazing my side. I hiss in pain but continue to dodge the attacks, hoping that I won't have to go into the offensive. I really don't want to have to injure the Avengers.

I click through my teeth, activating the silencer in my mask. When the sounds of my grunts as I dodge all of the attacks go silent, the Avengers faces show surprise, some morphing into suspicion.

"Now is not the time FABAE," I warn her as I backflip off of the side of a shed to avoid a repulsor blast.

"I know you said not to bother you much on your Patrols, but I am scared for you Peter."

"Well, you're not the only one."

"I am just reminding you that I am always here for you. And if something happens, I will protect you." FABAE says.

I raise my eyebrows at her as I web Falcon to the side of a building, cushioning his head so it doesn't smack against the brick. He gives me a look of frustration, but surprise shines through his eyes at my efforts to protect him. Two down, six to go.

I go back to speaking to FABAE, "The way you said that almost sounded like a threat."

"It is. Towards the Avengers. If they seriously hurt my baby and you can't do anything about it, they will regret messing with us."

I shake my head at her and roll my eyes, "One, I am not a baby. And two, I didn't know you had a dark side."

"I am very well rounded Peter. You made me that way," FABAE says gratefully.

"Well, I am glad you haven't used that to your advantage in a bad way," Relief radiates between those words. FABAE has no idea how scared I was that I would create an A.I. who would make bad decisions. But now, I can't imagine not having FABAE.

While being lost in those worries, I stop focusing as much on my spidey sense. I shout out in pain when a beam of energy hits my leg, burning me. I stumble back as my body goes into shock, my healing factor kicking in.

"I will be quiet now Peter," FABAE says, guilt and an apology in her tone.

"Thanks," I grunt out.

With the conversation over, I click through my teeth again, deactivating the silencer.

I turn towards Iron Man, "Ow! That hurt!"

"That's the point," he replies.

I continue to avoid the attacks, noticing how frustrated the Avengers are getting, especially the ones that I am actively avoiding.

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