18. Can't I Just Be Left Alone?!

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When I turn around, I'm faced with a stocky man dressed in a red full-body suit with silver armor.

"Really Scorpio? Did you really have to pick now?" I ask, pain evident in my voice since I'm still recovering from my fight with the Avengers.

He laughs and glances around at the webbed up heroes, "Thanks for doing the heavy lifting Avengers. Now I can finally take this little spider down."

The said group of heroes look at me, their expressions conveying their guilt and apology. Except for Black Widow... you can never be sure with Black Widow.

I give them all a brief smile before turning back to the current threat, "Where's your Zodiac army this time Scorpio?"

Scorpio growls and takes a step closer, "Gone. 'Cause of you, you annoying pest."

I stage whisper to the Avengers while jabbing my finger towards Scorpio, "Look guys, Scorpio's trying to bore me to death with inferior insults!"

I pretend to yawn and relax against the wall, masking my pain as well as I can while I wait for it to subside.

Scorpio smirks at me in a menacing way.

I raise my eyebrow at him as I tamp down my minor freaking-outness, "What? Did you finally decide to change your lightsaber from red to blue? 'Cause that would make my job much easier."

He crosses his arms, "No. You just don't know that you and those wretched SHIELD agents you broke out didn't get everyone."

At the mention of SHIELD agents working with me, confusion appears on the Avengers' faces.

Then, with a slight wave of Scorpio's hand, eleven Zodiac soldiers burst through the door that leads up to the roof and start shooting at me. With each beam of energy blasted at me, a very unoriginal sound fills my ears.

Pew. Pew. Pew.

I flip out of the way of the energy beams and dodge Scorpio as he charges at me, "Awww, pew-pew guns. I missed those pew-pew guns."

Still drained and in pain, I opt for finding protection rather than exhausting my energy by dodging the beams pewed at me. I duck behind the edge of a shed right next to the billboard Hawkeye is stuck to, "Good thing they miss me too."

I hear a snicker behind me and look back to see Hawkeye with a slight smile on his face from my banter.

My eyes dart around as I try to figure out what to do with my limited energy. My gaze lands on Captain America's shield.

"Aw, come on Scorpio, what would your brother think of you right now?" I yell at him around the corner of the shed.

"Nicholas," he spits the name out like poison, "He doesn't even know I'm alive!"

I duck an energy blast and roll behind a different shed, closer to Cap's shield, "Really Max? Family disputes aren't healthy you know."

"Don't call me by my name you annoyance!"

My spidey sense increases and I turn to see Scorpio charging at me, "I'm going to squash you like the weak bug you are."

I go to flip over him, but he snags my foot and pulls down, slamming me to the ground right next to the webbed up Winter Soldier, who visibly winces.

I groan and kick Scorpio hard in the chest, sending him flying backwards into the side of the building across from us. I stagger to my feet, "Okay, that one hurt."

Soon enough, I'm forced to start dodging energy beams again while the Zodiac soldiers start to converge on me. I groan in annoyance. Okay, time to take these minions down.

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