15. A Meme War

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Peters POV:

I throw myself into the back of my chair in exasperation. What is up with this internship and boredom?

I literally twiddle my thumbs for a moment before I remember my online friends. I pull out my phone and create a group chat with the both of them. I send the first message, praying that they will answer.


I'm soooo boooored

I even composed a haiku about it since I have nothing else to do

*Clears throat*

Boredom, I hate it

It makes me do crazy stuff

To stop this boredom

Mr. Insomniac


Just wow

That is awful.

Aren't you supposed to be smart or something?



I'm offended. >:(

I just shared my soul with you.

And I never said I'm a poet or anything.

Mama Spider

Nice job Baby Spider

Nice job

Here's your award for participation



I can't tell if I'm offended or not

Mama Spider

Maybe that plays into the bad poem


Man, I didn't know you had a sassy side

Must be hidden behind what you say is "scaryness"

Mr. Insomniac

She IS scary Baby Spider

I'm surprised that some of her co-workers are even alive right now.


I got it!

Mama Spider

Got what?


The cure to my boredom!

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