chapter 4 - The date

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I felt something warm touch my back then a sweet husky voice whisper in my ear “Wakey wakey”. I opened my eyes to see Alan leaning over me. I sat up using my elbows and looked down to see that Alan was actually on Austins back because he was too small to reach. I started to giggle as Alan then shouted “Giddy up boy” and rode Austin down the corridor to the lounge, I slipped out of his bunk and walked to the bathroom. The sight in the mirror was not a pretty one. Oil bucket sprung to mind. I walked back where I had put my make-up bag and took it to the bathroom and touched up my face. Who says the 'slept with eye liner on' look isn’t cute. Once I looked semi human I put my make-up bag back and walked to the lounge to see Jade, once again looking fabulous… I wonder what her secret is.. Bitch. She was sitting next to Austin who as usual had his arm wrapped around her. Got to admit they look really cute together. Even the height. Jade was only 5ft 6 whereas Austin was 6ft 4. I sat next to Alan. He had obviously applied more after shave. “How was your slumber Sleeping Beauty?”  I blushed and answered “Great, your beds so comfy and smells amazing." Alan blushed and just looked at me, Austin stood up and in a tad grumpy voice said “Don’t know about you guys but me and Jade are hungry so either we go the now or one of yous will be getting eaten" Alan smirked at him and said “Yeah, my 11th finger” Jade and I burst out laughing. As we walked down the bus we passed the rest of the guys. Tino hinted that we should all go but Aaron quickly said “No bro, too many dudes not enough chicks”.

Outside was still really warm which was shocking back home even on the hottest day of summer you needed a jumper. “How are we getting there?” I asked Alan looked at Austin he suggested that we just walk as taco bell was only a few blocks away. I didn’t really mind.. I got food at the end of it but sadly exercise was in the middle. It was only a 15 minute walk. Alan and I followed Jade and Austin because apparently Austin knew where he was going. “Whats taco bell like?” I asked him “Amazing, I could have breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, sex, everything there” I started to giggle “So what would you recommend?” There was a slight pause. You could see him run through the menu in his head. “Chips and pico de gallo, cinnamons twists... Everything” His mouth started to water “A tad hungry are we?” I asked. He giggled “Hey, don’t mock it. I'll have you addicted to them”. We laughed the rest of the way there until we arrived. Alan went to talk to Austin as I sneaked up to Jade. “Have you even been here before?“ I whispered to her “Bitch who hasn’t..” was her reply. She looked at me shocked. “Hunni, you’re a taco bell virgin ain't you?” I nodded. She opened her arms and hugged me and whispered “You get to break that with Alan fucking Ashby!” We both started to laugh as the guys walked back to us. “We have decided to sit alone girls so say good bye”. I looked at Jade as she looked at me. “HELL NO!” was the first thing out of my mouth followed by “I DON’T THINK SO HUNNI!" from Jade. We both clung to each other “We're conjoined twins… see” I started laughing as Jade kept a serious face. "I'm sure you will be able to last an hour with out each other” Austin persisted. We both shook our heads in disagreement. Austin let out a sigh and looked at Alan as they both walked towards us. In a split second Austin had Jade over his shoulder and was walking to a booth while I was on Alans. Alan then took me to a booth. “That wasn’t very nice” I said in a childish voice to Alan. “How will I survive without her”. He passed me a menu and I glanced down at it, my eyes over whelmed by the choices. I looked up at Alan “Yup.. There's food I can survive”. Alan laughed “Right what do you want?” I stayed quiet for a minute and then Alan said "Emmm, I've got it" as he got up and walked up to the counter. I guess he made the choices.

He came back later with chips and pico de gallo for us to share and 2 double decker taco Supremes “And for the lady one dr pepper vanilla float freeze,” I took a sip of the ice cold drink “Oh my god! That’s amazing, what did you get?”. I looked puzzled at the slush in his cup “One mountain dew baja blast freeze” I laughed “I'd hate to try order that with out mucking up." We both laughed as I tried one of the chips. They tasted really good. Alan was all ready eating the taco. I looked at it and asked him “How do you eat it?” he laughed “That’s the cutest thing I've ever heard someone ask me.. Just pick it up, like so, and..” he munched his way through it. I thought how hard could it be so I picked mines up and took a bite.. It tasted amazing!. Alan smirked and said “I pick good choices don’t I?“ By far that was the best 'date' I'd ever been on. We both laughed and it felt like we were texting, only no phones involved. I glanced over at Jade to see how she was doing. Everything seemed to be okay. Austin was still In one piece. Once we had pretty much finished I thought it be the perfect time to ask Alan about the kiss.

“Alan... Can I ask you something?” He stopped slurping his drink and nodded “About the kiss earlier?” He swallowed his mouth full and looked me in the eyes. My insides melted and a little voice screamed from inside "Pounce on him! God dammit he's perfection!" He started to move his lips “I wanted to see because I know we are really good friends.. Am I right?” I nodded my head in agreement. Still trying to play it calm. "Rach it's just l.. That I .. I like you…” my heart started pounding even faster. “I like you to Alan..” His face looked more concerned “When I say 'like' I mean like like Rachael… I was wondering if you'd like to be my... Girl friend? I've been wanting to ask you for over 4 months now but I didn’t want to just text you it or pop it in a phone call. I wanted to be here face to face to see your reaction" My heart felt like it was about to break free from my chest. I had a grin on my mouth just like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland “Yes… Yes…YES!! I would love to be!” I yelped back in excitement to him. He smiled. His smile was brighter than ever. I was so happy that I got all the questions answered and better yet… I'm dating Alan Ashby! I couldn’t wait to tell Jade. She won’t believe it! I glanced over to see how they were getting on as Alan took my hand and pressed his soft lips against the back of my ever cold hand… I smiled at him and said “Thank you so much for letting me and Jade come here and stay with you and see Warped Tour” Followed by a massive smile. “I promise this time I will not let you out of my sight and I will make sure you don’t get hurt in a mosh pit” I grinned at him “So have you decided?” He asked. I looked puzzled at him “Decided what?” I asked him “Where you will be sleeping" I replied "In your bunk… with you Ashby” he laughed and said "No funny noises, wouldn’t want to make the fan girls too jealous” I smirked at him and whispered “I know how to handle my self.. In a bedroom or not” and winked at him. At that moment Austin walked over to our table with Jade. Both of them were grinning so much… It was a tad creepy. “We have something to say” Alan and I looked at each other then looked at them  “Emm, we have something to tell you too?”  Alan said questioningly. We both budged up and let them sit down. “Who wants to spill first” Alan asked. I glanced at Jades face. What ever it was.. It was big, but what?...

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