chapter 10 - anger management

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By the time we reached the guys Alan was trying to hold back an angry Austin. I had only seen him slightly angry when he screamed. “I'm going to fucking kill Vic! She's my mosher!” I looked at Jade. I was now feeling slightly guilty. Austin saw Jade and charged straight at her. "What did he do?! What else did he say!” was all that fluttered out of his mouth. Jade went in to panic mode. I ran over to Alan. He grabbed my hips and pulled me in close and placed my head on his chest. "They are just horny kids because they didn’t bring their girls on the tour,” he whispered. I looked at him. "Did I do the right thing by letting you hear it or was it a shit move?” "No, I'm glad you let us know or else they would keep doing it” he looked straight into my eyes. "What will Austin do to them? Are they dead meat?" “Don’t worry about him” Alan reassured me. “He will calm down”. Tino, Arron and Phil walked over to join us. “Are you girls okay? We heard it all” we both nodded. Jade kept whispering things in Austins ear. The only thing I could remember was how when Austin was angry she always told me he was sexy.

Once things had calmed down a bit we decided to have some fun. After all, this is what Warped Tour was meant to be, fun. We all gathered in the tour bus to see what was to do. After about 5 minutes of suggestions that lead no where, Tino finally had a good idea. "Why don’t we play hide and seek? but use the talkies?" We all agreed on the idea. Alan winked at me. I knew we had our own game in store. We were set up in our teams. They were Moshers, Meow and of course Team P.A.T. Team P.A.T went first on trying to find the couples. Jade and Austin scattered off. We walked off the bus but as soon as everyone was out of sight we ran back on. Alan turned to me “Why don’t we have some of our own fun, make this more sexy?” he said as he kissed my neck. I bit my lip in agreement. He grabbed my ass and lifted me up on to his hips. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me back to the bus. As we entered the lounge he closed the blinds and placed our walkie on the table.

He leaned in and kissed my lips. I tried to pull away to say something but there was something about his lips that made me keep kissing him back. We slowly started to nibble on each others faces while he unbuckled his belt. “As for last nights strip tease” I blushed and bit my lip and he turned around and seductively rolled his top up showing his v lines. I crossed my legs and bit my tongue even harder. He was so damn sexy. I couldn’t resist the urge. He slowly ran his hand through his hair and ruffled it as he went. PORN ON LEGS!! That is what he is. He slowly started walking towards me, my heart pounding. “You're too damn sexy Ally cat” I mumbled. “Just you wait” he replied. He undone the button on his jeans as they slid down to reveal his kitty boxers. A slight meow escaped my lips. I watched the buldge in his boxers as I ran my tongue over my lips. He kept smiling at me. Uhgg he was to irresistible. I jumped up and pounced on him like a lioness. “Someone couldn’t wait could they?” he asked “Hell no!” I shouted back as I started snogging him intensively. His hands ran over my back tugging at my shirt. He started pulling it up over my head. I broke away from his lips just for a split second so he could pull my top off. His hands ran down to my hips to where my jeans sat. I ran my hand through his hair while he messed around with the buttons on my jeans. I sat up on top of him and undone the button and slipped my jeans off. “Matching underwear again?” I nodded, “Looks like I'm not the only one that wanted round two” I giggled as he scooped me up into his arms and placed me down on the sofa. He started to crawl on top of me. His hands reached the rim of my panties and he slipped them off over my feet. “Remember and lift them this time” he winked at me. I bit my lip and whispered “Yes, Ally cat" He started kissing me again as he slid in 2 fingers. My moans started all over again. “I fucking love your moans” he moaned. I whispered in his ear “I am one loud kitty,”. I pushed him off so I could repay the favour. I used my teeth to drag his cat boxers down as his drum stick popped up to say hi.  His moaning got intense as my head bobbed up and down, one hand was to steady my self while the other was used to massage his perfectly sized balls. I pulled off and started kissing his balls while running my hand up and down his friend teasing him. “You little tease,” he whispered. I winked at him as he lifted me up to sit on his lap. I slowly slid on him. It felt amazing to have him inside of me once again. My moans started all over again gradually getting louder. “This isn't fair” he mumbled as he un clipped my bra. “Better?” I asked as my bra fell to the floor. He didn’t answer he just went straight to sucking while I bounced up and down. After a while of doing this Alan decided to be the man. He pushed me down and started pounding me so hard, I'm surprised the whole of Warped Tour didn’t hear us. It got so hot and intense the window had steamed up . I don’t think there was a position that we didn’t try. Doggie. 69, the cowgirl. It felt amazing. When he was on top once again I ran my nails down his back digging them in just slightly. “I'M GOING TO...” was all Alan managed to spit out before he came in me. I came shortly afterwards. He didn’t slow down he kept on it hard and fast for at least another hour. He started to pant and he started to slow down. Shortly after his body flopped on top of mine breathless. “That was even better than last time” We both admitted. Alan slipped out and quickly ran and got the cover from his bunk and threw it over us as we both cuddled on the sofa” Pass me my phone please?” I asked him nicely. I had a text from Jade.


SHIT!! Did they hear us? was all that ran through my head. My face went bright red. Alan knew something was wrong. I showed him the text “Yet again we have been caught doing the dirty, shit”. I looked at the time. We had been at it for 4 hours!! I rested my head on his bare shoulder. “What are we going to do?” I mumbled. “I haven’t got a clue, lets just hope no one else heard us”…

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