chapter 1 - the beginning

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Warped tour 2015... Best year yet...

My friend Jade and I had finally taken the leap from leaving our nest in miserable rainy Scotland to the wonderful town of Seattle. Our parents were kind enough to give us tickets for Warped tour! Of Mice & Men were our favorite band, we just couldn't wait to see them live for the second time! Jade was and Austin girl, she always went on about how he was so tall handsome and just down right sexy. Whereas I was an Alan kind of girl.

I had met him once before when he toured in Glasgow last year. Austin had the crowed going it was an amazing atmosphere to say the least. However I ain't a Mosher and before I know it I was brisk fully swept into one I got seriously hurt breaking my wrist but the best part was Alan jumped of stage and helped me out of it. He stayed with me that whole night. I remember looking in to his deep chocolate brown eyes and thinking most girls would die to be here. Sitting right where I am. The only down side was when I woke up the next morning. He was gone. He signed my cast and left me a note...

Rachael, your one of the most unique girls I have ever met, not like the normal fan girls that scream my name so I will look at them. I wish we had more time to spend together. You seem really nice and your Scottish accent. Sounds so beautiful I'd want to hear it every day x

My heart was racing, my brain was trying to cope with the fact Alan Ashby wrote me this but then reality hit me... Anyone could have wrote that. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed my phone lying with a note peeping out from the cover. I reached over with my good hand and nabbed it. It was Alans handwriting.
Do you honestly think I'd leave after saying all those nice things? You fell asleep so I put my number in your phone, hope you don't mind. Call me sometime or text me let me know how your wrists doing but just don't give my number out... Only special girls get it ;).

From that day on Alan and I tried to talk as much as we could after 6 months we were pretty much best friends. I didn't tell anybody, I kept it a secret... Even from Jade. She is my best friend and to keep a secret from her means a lot. Alan was ecstatic when I told him that we were coming over to Seattle and going to Warped Tour. He arranged for us to get VIP passes. I couldn't wait for this moment to finally see him again and to see Of Mice & Men perform again.

Whilst on the plane journey I decided to spill everything to Jade and explain to her we were going to get VIP passes but she had to promise me she wasn't going to do the whole "AHHH AUSTIN CARLILE!" I knew that was going to be hard for Jade, whenever Austin screams during a song Jade faints. While Jade was sleeping I grabbed my phone and made a swift exit for the bathroom and turned it on. 5 messages from Alan all along the lines of "Are you actually coming?, Are you okay? Why aren't you answering me?" I sent him a swift text explaining I was on the plane heading for him and how when we first got on the plane the bitchy airhostess growled at me for having my phone out. I remember Jade turning to me and whispering "She's just jealous because we don't have lemons stuck up our asses." I stood up and look in the mirror. I couldn't help but think shortly I'll be seeing Alan. I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't just a dream or a fan fiction I had been reading... As the blood trickled down my arm all I thought was 'shit's just got real.' I wiped away the blood and went back to my seat to see Jade drooling down her left side. I thought I should wake her but then remembered if I was in her position she would leave me. I sat back in my seat and whispered "Tacoma international here we come..."

Once we finally arrived we had 2 hours until our taxi came to pick us up and take us to Auburn. Nerves started to take control... In 15 minutes, I peed 5 times. Yes, I'm a nervous peer. Jade and I took our luggage to the bathrooms so we could put clothes more suited to warm weather on and sort ourselves. No matter what I tried my hair wasn't playing ball so I managed to get it in to a messy bun as my hand shook putting the last hair grip in I turned to Jade. Little bitch looked like a billion dollars rolling up her straighteners. A slight growl escaped my mouth, she just laughed and said "You let me drool." Quick touch up with powder so my face didn't look too much of an oil bucket and I was done. I put my favorite nose ring in and stretcher. I stacked up bracelets on my arms. I turned to Jade to ask if I should wear my slipknot top, at that moment my jaw dropped. In our who 10 years of being friends I had never seen Jade look so "done-up" perfectly placed back combed hair, flawless make-up, the most amazing looking ripped black skinny jeans and of course, her Austin Carlile top. I walked up behind her as I said "Change please" Jade pouted her lip at me and replied with "I was going to see what you said" and she turned and walked in to a cubical. I turned to face myself in a fall length mirror. I was wearing suspender tights, distressed shorts and a slipknot muscle tee topped off with black vans. I reached over and picked up my "hangover" glasses. We called them this because the frames were that big you could hide the fact you had a hangover. I packed up my suit case as Jade was putting the finishing touches to her look. I reached into my purse and sprayed some of my Victoria secret body splash before I could hide it from Jade she already had her chest pushed out towards me as if to say don't forget me.

While waiting outside for our cab to come I checked my phone. A text from Alan.
The wrist I broke started to ache as I remembered back to that night before I went fully in to my day dream Jade grabbed my hand "Rach cabs here c'mon lets go" as we squeezed all our luggage into the boot of the cab the driver asked us "Where to ladies?" I quickly answered "40601, Auburn Enumclaw road, Warped Tour. Band entrance please," the driver looked at us and snarled "Look I've had your type in here before they won't let you in" I quickly interrupted "They know we're coming". I made sure to snap 'coming' at him. Jade looked at me and mouthed "You go gurl". I felt sick right to the pit of my stomach. My phone started to vibrate in my lap I looked at the name and answered it... It was Alan... "Are you on your way?"

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