Chapter 21- Another You

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Show after show. Town after town. City after city and we were finally nearly done. One more show to go. Austin and Alan both said that it was going to be the best one yet. I rolled over and snuggled into Alans chest . He smelt amazing. "Morning Baby" he whispered just loud enough that I could hear. I jumped down from the bunk and sprinted to the toilet. Austin and Jade poked there heads out from behind the curtains. "Is she being sick again?" Austin asked Alan. "I think she had a bad burger or something" Alan quickly snapped back "Alan be serious it's been 4 weeks on the trot! Something's wrong!". Jade slipped down from the bunk and walked in to the toilet. She started to rub my back while I puked up the remains of my stomach. "Rach that's been every morning now!". I tried to ignore her "Bitch listen to me!" she shouted as she pulled me up. "It's just some bad food I ate" I shrugged her off me and walked to the bunk. Tino, Phil, Aaron and Austin all watched me as I walked up to Alans  bunk. Austin looked down the hall at Jade who looked concerned. I reached down and grabbed one of Alans tops and my shorts. I looked at the guys "Can I get changed?" I snapped at them. Their heads sprung back in their bunks as Austin closed the curtains to his. I started to get changed and shoved my vans on. "And where do you think you're going?" Jade asked while guarding the door. I grabbed my bag and hangover glases and put them on. "To find out what's wrong" I snapped at her. "Do you want me to come?" Alan piped up from his bunk. "No, I'll be fine" I said as I passed Jade and shut the bus door. "Jesus something's wrong with her! Alan get your bitch under control!" Jade snapped at Alan as she climbed back in beside Austin. 

I had my headphones in blasting bones exposed while I walked to the nearest pharmacy. Several girls stopped me screaming " AAAA! Your Rachael, Alans girlfriend!!" I couldn't help but smile. I signed a couple things then walked round the corner in to the pharmacy. I walked up to the counter and explained how I've been feeling expecting to get some aspirin or something. "4th isle, right handside". I walked down and noticed where I was... surely not.

I arrived back at the bus clutching my bag. I walked in on the guys sitting having a chat. "Did you get it sorted?" Jade asked throwing me a can of monster. "Where's Alan?" I asked catching it. "He's in the back lounge, Why?" I tried to think of a good cover up. "I just have some news for him" I said walking past them "Wow! Where did that booty come from Rach?!" Jade said trying to make a joke. I just kept walking.

I reached the back lounge, my hands sweating buckets, my grip on my bag tightened. I opened the door. Alan was playing cod. "Alan? I need to talk to you". He paused the game as I shut the door. "Why so serious?" he asked trying to make me laugh. "This isn't the time to laugh". He looked at me concerned. His perfect life was about to come crashing down.

This was it. It was their last show. I just hope Alan could keep his cool. His eyes didn't move from me as his fingers plucked at his guitar. Bones exposed, second and sebring and the depths had the crowd going. As usual Austin took us up on stage. Jade and Austin did their usual kiss. Alan didn't even touch me. Jade knew something was up. I tried to mosh on stage with Jade but I had to hold back. Once they had finished and were about to go and play space enough to grow Jade walked over to Austin and hugged him as she slipped back into the crowd. I walked over to Alan expecting to get a hug "Just go" he said as he turned his back to tune his guitar. The rest of band looked at me and Alan. "What the fuck was that?" Jade asked standing next to me. I looked at my feet not wanting to give an answer.  They started to play and the crowd started to sway as couples hugged and kissed. Aaron sang "It's how we live our lifes". Alan missed some of his key cords and started to freak on stage. The crowd was confused on what was going on. Aaron tried to carry on singing. Alan pulled his guitar and looked down at me. He started to run off stage when Austin grabbed him. I saw Austin ask him what's wrong. After he answered Austin stood still then looked down at me shocked. I ran to the side of the stage to get Alan as we both ran for the bus.

The atmosphere in the back lounge after the show was intense. I sat next to Alan and Jade sat across from us. "You can't do it?! You fucking can't do it?! What do you mean Alan?! This is not just some game we play, this was meant to be the best performance we give! On main fucking stage and you screw it up for us! On a song you know like the back of your hand!!" Everything went silent as Austin turned to Jade trying to cool down. "Rachael's.." tumbled out of his mouth. They both froze. Jade looked at me "Rachael's what Alan?". Austin turned to Alan trying to see if he would give anything away. I stood up and reached for my bag. I pulled out the pregnancy test. "It's positive" I said as I threw it on the table. "Fat ass... Being sick... Not moshing properly..." Jade pointed out. "Why didn't you just tell us? We would have helped! Instead you go and fuck up the biggest gig for us! Warped tour main stage!" I looked at the floor "It's not his fault, it's mine" Jade and Austin looked at me "How is it?" Jade asked. "I could have waited and told him after the show or somewhere better". I looked down at Alan who was stressing out. Everything went silent. "What are we going to do to recover from this" Austin mumbled. " I CANT! I FUCKING CANT!" screamed Alan "I don't even want it!" he said as he ran out of the lounge and off the bus. I felt crushed but at the same time this was all my fault.

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