chapter 11 - fun & games ( jades P.O.V)

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We ran off, leaving Alan and Rachael behind. I'm glad there was a forest just 50 meters away from the bus. Austin held my hand as we ran over and walked around, knowing it would take a while for the guys to find us. I looked at Austin. I could tell he was still mad. "Are you okay?" I asked. I could see him thinking. He turned and put on a fake smile "Yeah" I stopped walking, so he would stop walking and look at me. "Austin, you can talk to me" He turned so he was facing me and held my other hand. He looked down at our hands and ran his thumbs up and down them. "I was scared" I looked at him shocked. "What?" He looked into my eyes "I was scared" he said looking upset "Why?" He looked away taking a deep breath and then looked back at me "What if he had done something to you and I was to late. I'm gonna fucking kill him" "But he didn't did he? And I can look after myself... I've spent enough time saving Rachaels ass" He looked at me and smiled. "I'm the violent one" he said with a slight giggle"I'm not far behind you!" I said punching his arm. We laughed as we started walking back to see if we could see the guys. Just as we reached the start of the trees the guys radioed through.

"Got you" Aaron said. We turned to see them all behind us. "It's called Hide and seek you're meant to hide from people" Phil said sniggering. "Shut it you! Where's the lovebirds" I said laughing. All the guys looked at each other and shrugged. "We will go this way and yous go towards the bus park and stage" Tino said as he tagged Phil and ran into the woods. Aaron shook his head and followed them. I looked at Austin and ran towards the bus pulling him behind me. We slowed down and got our breath back as we approached the bus park. "Why are you dragging me to the bus?" Austin asked raising an eyebrow. "Cos this is where the kinky fucks are!" "Aww, I was hoping it was another reason" he said biting his lip. "Don't do that!" I said trying not to laugh. "Why?" Austin asked smirking. He knew I fell for that easily... He even knew his goofy faces worked. "You know why!" I said turning away as he was biting his lip... Again. He turned me back so I was facing him, he pulled the goofiest face ever. He went cross eyed and tried to stop himself from laughing. He rested his forehead on mine. We were both laughing until it started to slow down and go silent. He kissed me. I looked up at him, he was biting his lip. I knew exactly what he was wanting. "I can't" I said walking away from him. "What! Why!" He said in his normal frustrated interview voice. I looked at him and smirked. "I'm not taller than your tattoo" "Come here... I'll measure you!" He said laughing. I walked over and crouched down so I was shorter. "Told you!" He looked at me and smirked... What was he going to do?... "Aww, I'll just need to pick you up" before that sentence had sunk in, he picked me up and carried me onto the bus.

He put me down on the floor as we both burst out laughing. All you could hear was Rachael and Alans moans. "Shh! They'll hear us" Austin said still pissing himself laughing. "Rachael is a loud ass bitch! They won't hear us!" "That means they won't hear us doing other things" Austin said raising his eyebrows. I tried to think of any excuse possible "I can't do it with that noise!" Austin walked over to the door for the back lounge. He put his hand up and closed the vent. It was silent... Damn, I wasn't going to get out of this. "It's quiet now" he said with a cheeky grin walking towards me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "Do you not want to?" Austin asked holding my waist. "Of course I do but..." "But what?" Austin asked raising an eyebrow. "I may or may not be wearing your boxers..." I said giggling and burying my head in his chest. Austin lifted my head so I was looking at him and kissed me "That's fine by me" he whispered looking into my eyes. He kissed my lips again and travelled to my neck. That's when I knew there was no going back.

He lifted me into the bunk and climbed in. He closed the curtain and climbed on top of me. He started kissing me. He stroked my side with one hand and used the other to support himself, I wrapped both of my arms around his neck. His hand started travelling up my top and back down my thigh. He kissed my neck again and started to tug at my top. I sat up so he could pull it off. He pulled it off in a second closely followed by his. He threw it to the bottom of the bunk. He kissed my lips and travelled down my chest and stomach until he reached my jeans. He quickly pulled them off... He's certainly done this before. "The boxers fit" he said giggling I said "Shut it you" whilst pushing him onto the bed. I climbed on top of him. I kissed him and travelled down his chest kissing his scar and down to the waist band on his jeans. A slight moan escaped his lips. If his lip biting didn't work on you his moans would... I pulled them off and threw them to the bottom of the bunk. Austin used one arm to help him sit up, he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. His hand slowly slipped down and un clipped my bra. He held onto my back and slowly lay back down pulling me down with him. I pulled off his boxers. Well... I wasn't sure if this was a good idea or if I was gonna get killed... He pushed me back on to the bed and climbed on top of me. With one quick motion I was naked. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked. I pulled his head down and kissed him. I dug my nails into his back. No matter how quiet we tried to be it never worked. I wrapped my hand around the back of his head and kissed him to try and be quieter but no. He was so attractive it's unreal. Even his heavy breathing was very attractive...

We finally finished. Austin flopped over onto the bed. I rested my head on his chest and our heavy breathing finally started to calm down. I looked at all of Austins tattoos. Ugh! They were amazing! I traced the ones on his chest with my finger until I reached his scar. I couldn't imagine life if I had never met him. I noticed Austin looking at me out of the corner of my eye, I pushed myself up and kissed his scar and then his lips. He smiled at me "You want one don't you?" I looked at him confused "A tattoo" he said smiling. I nodded looking back down at his. "Tomorrow, after Warped I'll take you. It'll be a mini date, just us two" he said smiling. I grinned and kissed him "Thank you!" He looked at me proudly and said "We better get ready huh?" I looked at him and nodded. We both threw our clothes back on. Rachael and Alan were still at it... Those were some kinky motherfucking cats! Before we left to get the guys and food Austin pulled me in and put his arms around my waist. "I love you" he whispered. I teared up slightly and said "I love you too, Austin Carlile" he kissed me and we walked out.

We walked past the bus and noticed the windows were steamed. We both laughed but we both knew we had to mess with the kinky fucks. I took out my phone ready to text Rachael. Both of us planned what to say so it would scare them but still make them laugh. This is what we came up with...
YOU LOUD ASS FUCKS, WE'RE AWAY FOR DINNER. DIDN’T INVITE YOUS YOU SEEMED BUSY. AARON, TINO AND PHIL ARE WITH US. MAKE SURE YOU HIDE EVERYTHING BEFORE WE GET BACK. TOLD YOUS NOT TO TURN INTO BUNNYS AND WHAT DO YOUS TURN IN TO … FUCKING BUNNIES!!! We finally pressed send whilst walking away. I don't know a lot but I knew two things for certain... I knew that I love Austin more than I've loved anyone and that tomorrow was going to be fun... And painful...

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