chapter 13- second and sebring- (jades p.o.v)

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After pissing off Rachael I walked to the bathroom to put on clothes. I put on black skinny jeans, a black vest top, vans and Austins red and black checked shirt. As I was getting changed I looked in the mirror and  checked my sides and back. My back had a bruise... Fuck sake Austin. Yet again I doubt he got off lightly. I stood and looked into the mirror thinking of last night. My thoughts were cut short as Rachael walked in. I dropped my shirt and pretended I was putting on make up. "And where are you going?" She asked putting on make up "Oh, no where, Austin and I are going on a little date. What are you doing then Kitty?" I asked smirking, winding her up was fun. "Just because I'm a kinky fucker and like it rough, Alan and I are going to go catch a movie or something" I thought about Austin and I last night. I had to stop zoning out... "Well have fun" was all I could think to say. "You too" She said as she walked out to get Alan.

I walked to the lounge and saw Austin. He was standing fixing his hair in the mirror. "Your hair's fine" I said giggling. He walked over to me, held my waist and pulled me in close whilst I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I need to make sure it's perfect for you" he said looking into my eyes. "Everything about you is perfect" I said kissing him. "Do we need to go out?" he asked biting his lip. "The quicker we go, the quicker we get back" I said in between kisses. "How quick can you run" he said laughing. "I don't run" I replied smirking. Austin picked me up and carried me off the bus, both of us pissing ourselves laughing.

We finally reached our destination... The tattoo parlour. I looked around the tattoo parlour at all the designs on the walls, the smell of the ink and blood was one of my favourites... Partly because I was training to be a tattooist. The tattooist opened the door and walked through. He was tall and thin with black hair and blue eyes. "Hey, I'm Ben" he said smiling at me. "Hey, she's wanting a tattoo" Austin said looking Ben up and down. "What do you want doll face?" Ben asked, quite clearly scared of Austin. "Can I put it on your computer? I want to surprise Austin" Ben nodded. I walked over to the computer and put the photo of the design up. Ben walked to the bed and patted it, telling me to sit down. I walked over and lay on the bed, Austin holding my hand on one side and Ben on the other. "Don't you need to sketch it out?" I said slightly panicked. "I'm freehand, where are you getting it?" Ben asked getting the inks ready. "On the left side of my stomach" I said pulling up my vest. He sterilised the area and started tattooing. I held Austins hand and occasionally squeezed it. He looked proud. He kept smiling at me and stroking my hand. After it was done Ben cleaned the area and covered it with cling and paper towels. Austin looked frustrated as he didn't know what it was. I walked out for fresh air, the whole left side of my stomach throbbing. Austin walked out after paying Ben. He simply leaned down and let me get on his back to carry me home.

Once we got back I flopped onto the sofa. Austin walked over and lay next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder. "So, $150, what is it?" he said kissing my cheek. "Do you want to see?" I asked knowing what the answer was. "Yes!" He said pulling me up so he could see it. I pulled up my top and let him take off the cling and paper towels. His smile was amazing when he saw it. "Do you like?" I asked smiling. "Yes! I like! It's my band and my song and on my lil fucking mosher!" I smiled at that last comment whilst looking down at my Second and Sebring tattoo. It was the lyrics 'This is not what it is only baby scars. I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side' written in the shape of the Of Mice & Men ampersand. It covered the whole left side of my stomach but it was amazing. He held the right side of my stomach and kissed me, pushing me to the bunks. We both climbed into the bunk. I lay with my back pressed against the wall. Austin was on his knees in between my legs leaning down kissing me. Both his hands holding my face whilst mine held onto his sides. Soon our clothes were at the bottom of the bunk and I was lying with my head on Austins bare chest... "I fucking love you" he said kissing the top of my head. I sat up and looked into his eyes before saying "I love you too" and kissing him twice on the lips. Then panic struck... Rachael and Alan will be home in five minutes. We ran around throwing clothes on and spraying deodorant. We had just sat down on the sofa as Rachael and Alan walked in the door.

I sat making sure I looked like everything was normal and I was still innocent. "So, emm what did yous do while we were all gone?" Alan asked. I knew Rachael was watching so I tried to act as normal as possible. So was Austin. "Austin broke me in and then you know, just the usual" I replied. "Broke you in!" Rachael shouted obviously thinking I was admitting sex. "Yeah... He broke me into getting tattoos!" I said blushing. I looked at Austin making him talk so it was less awkward. He finally asked them about how the film was. "Alright I guess, Alan got to stare at Zoey Deschanel and I got to sleep now enough of our date, what happened on yours after the tattoo?" Rachael said raising an eyebrow knowing that we are hiding something. I looked at Austin. We both thought of the same thing and said "Eh... Eh... Nothing" "Yous don't make very good liars now do you?" Alan smirked. I looked at Austin knowing our secret wasn't going to be a secret for long...

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