Chapter 34- Seriously jade? another one?

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As my eyes fluttered open I rolled over to snuggle up to Alan who was sound asleep. Today was the day I had been planning since March. It was our wedding day. I was so nervous and scared if jade would behave herself. I lay awake for a while then decided to go and check on baby Anthony. He slept just like his dad snuggling up to his favorite kitten toy. I looked out the window. It was the it was the 30th of November and there was no snow. I think I was starting to Miss Scotland. Alan surprised me by walking up behind me and placing his hands on my hips and kissing my shoulder. "Happy wedding day" he mumbled, I smiled as I turned to face him "sure you don't want me gone?" Alan laughed as he kissed my lips. "you need to leave soon jade will be over " Alan looked at me and laughed " oh I need to trek all the way next door oh how will I make what if I'm late for the wedding" I glared at him " you fucking dare" something caught Alans eye " have you woke jade up yet?" I looked at him confusingly then out the window to see Austin carrying what we thought was jade wrapped in the covers "yea don't think she will be over anytime soon" Alan said turning to face me. "See if I'm late blame her "I said as we noticed jade hanging out the window sticking her middle finger up at us "the grudge has awoken" Alan piped up as he left the room. Austin reeled jade back in by teasing her with freshly cooked streaky bacon.

Alan picked up his stuff and kissed me good bye as he left to walk next door. Jade was making her way to mine as well. She passed Alan and kicked his ankle tripping him over "you fucker got me up at this time ... it 10 fucking A.M!!! " Austin shouted from the door "jade we have talked about this after the ceremony you can have more bacon!" I looked at them all before closing the door and shouting "Anthony's sleeping!" jade growled at me "so the fucking would I "before storming towards me. She opened the door and walked straight for the sofa and flopped face first on it "I don't think so you have to start getting ready" I growled at her. She just gowned back.

I sat in front of the mirror looking at my perfectly curled half up down hair. My make-up was flawless with a soft Smokey brown eye shadow, rosy red cheeks and nude lips. I walked over to my dress "jade get your fat ass in here" I shouted as she came storming up the hall. "What the fuck do you want?! I'm still half sleeping" I looked at her. She looked so pretty with her dark Smokey eyes and pillar box red lips. "Help me into my dress please?" I asked her nicely. She looked at me and helped me pull my princess dress on. It was fitted at the top the flared out in to a poufy bottom with a shuttle sparkle. "Your dress is in the wardrobe" I said to her as she walked over and pulled it out. "Black and lacy you know me to well" she came forward to hug me "what is that on your wrist?" I asked her glaring at a new tattoo. Jade looked at me and smiled "anther fucking tattoo really jade?! Really?!" we both started to laugh as she slipped her dress on. "OH make sure you have in on the right way and not inside out "I mumbled to jade "shut the fuck up one time in high school god!" she snapped back checking her dress "it was your wee face looked like you had shat yourself" we both started howling like cats with laughter "oh I have a surprise for you "jade looked at me confused "what the fuck have you bought?" I pulled out 2 shoe boxes "Rachael did you buy you and jade matching shoes ... maybe ... no ... yes" I said passing jade the box. She opened it up to see the ironfist shoes she wanted to wear to my wedding but I said no too. "Seriously rachael you mother fucker this is meant to be the day you cry not fucking me" she said trying to hold back the tears. "Right dry your eyes we have my wedding to go "I said as I gave her a tissue.

Jade looked at me concerned "you sure you can do this on your own" she asked "yes I'm sure". Austin opened the door "rachael "Phil asked if he can walk you down the aisle" I looked at jade and shook my head "I'll be fine haven't had a dad for years why would I need one now" Austin looked at floor and walked away "see if Phil's crying to Anouk" I cut her jade off "just walk down the aisle singing nookie nookie nookie think that might make him feel better. Jade scowled at me "don't you fucking dare" I started laughing as Austin opened the door again "he was missing you" it was Anthony. I picked him up from the floor and hugged him. "He can give me away". Jade kissed Austin good bye as it was time for us to walk. Jade went first. Anthony was standing next to me so I kneeled down beside him "are you going to take mummy's hand and try your best to walk beside her?" Anthony gave the biggest smile he could as he put out his hand s wanting me to pick him up. He sat on my hip as I had my flowers in my other hand. Two of the employs the opened the double doors to a set of starrers the led down to the aisle carefully I walked down the stairs as everyone was aww at Anthony as he waved at them coming down the stairs. As I started to walk towards Alan Anthony got all exited as he say his daddy. He started to wriggle down the dress till he reached the floor. I held out my hand so he could get up once on his feet he took a few steps with me then let go of my hand and started to run towards Alan "his first steps " Alans squeaked as he ran for him. I hurried my steps so I could reached them. Alan picked up Anthony and kissed his head "my cleaver kitty". I reached them both. I took him from Alan and handed him to jade so we could carry on with our wedding me and Alan both looked like proud parents. "Our little boy took his first steps "he said tearing up. "let's get married" I said to him smiling over at jade.

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