Chapter 16- De Ja Vu

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My eyes fluttered open expecting to be cuddled up next to Alan. How wrong I was. I was in hospital. My eyes shot open to see Jade standing at the end of my bed "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?! WHY AM I HERE?!". Jade sensed that I was panicking as she shot from where she was standing so that she was right next to me. "Calm the fuck down Rach! I had to save your ass once again thanks to your Ally cat missing his shot at Kellin and punching you in right on your noggin,". I ran my hand behind my head and felt the massive lump that had appeared on the back of my scalp. "Where is he?!" I barked at Jade "Where the fuck is he?!". "Bitch calm the fuck down! He's been worried sick! When you were unconscious he stayed by your side and didn't move an inch, when we came here they whisked you away! He fell to his knees, Austin had to help keep him together. He left not even 10 minutes as he still hasn't had anything to eat since we got here." I looked at Jade and thought about Alan. He would be devastated at what he done, I cooled my nerves "I want to see him Jade, please?" I said gripping her hand. We were both silent for a moment. Jade let go and walked towards the door. "Now remember don't kill him he's a soft kitty" I had a slight giggle to myself as she slipped out the door. I sat in silence thinking how to act? Do I bite his head off? Say it's okay? Before I was certain on what I was going to do he ran in with coffee in his hand. He saw the look on my face. "I am so fucking sorry, I know I'm a shit aimer and I didn't see you get in the way, it just all happened too fast for me" "It's okay" escaped my lips. Alan started rambling on with his excuse when he stopped half way "Okay? Its okay?". I smirked "I know Jade and after what he said I wouldn't be surprised if he's got a few broken ribs, as for you if I wasn't in love with you she would have killed you by now" At that point I noticed Jade peering out from behind the door growling at Alan. Austins hand followed and grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and pulled her back. He hopped up on to the bed "I am so sorry" I wrapped my arms round him "It's okay these things happen.. It just means you need to buy me and Jade our matching tattoos" he looked at me "You have your way of getting things don't you?" as he kissed my nose. I sat in his arms for a while just taking in everything and getting up to date with the gossip about Vic and Kellin. The nurse walked in and said I would be allowed to go home and suggested we get Alan some boxing lessons. I giggled at it but I don't think Alan was ready for the jokes.

After the short drive back to the bus Tino, Phil and Aaron were waiting to see us. "The ginger princess strikes again" piped up Tino. I kissed Alan on the cheek just to reassure him. "I'm fine! It's nothing serious and plus do you think I'm missing out on going out tonight?" Everyone looked at me.. "Going out?" asked Alan "Yeah! Me, you, Austin and Jade, we all planned to go out tonight?" "No ! No chance!" Alan interrupted "I'm fine! God! It's not like I was dying or anything?" Jade started to laugh. She walked over and took Alans place. "You drive me to drink Rach." I started to laugh "Let's do this" I giggled back to Jade. "The girls want what the girls want!" Austin piped up. Me and Jade looked at each other and smiled as we scattered off to get ready. This was going to be fun...

The boys were sitting outside with the rest of the guys. They were looking amazing.  Jade was super glad Austin wore his white shirt with black skinny jeans and black shoes. Whereas Alan had his his black skinnys and black shoes on with a super cute blue polka dot shirt on. I finished touching up my hair as Jade walked in.. "So what do you think slut?" I turned round to see her wearing a tight fitting black lace dress topped off with black vans. "Really? I'm the slut here? and vans Jade? Really?" she started laughing "You know I hate heels, unlike you ". I started to laugh as I looked into the mirror. I was wearing my short blue galaxy skater dress. It had a triangle cut out on my stomach and crossed over my boobs. It was one of my favourites to wear with my Jeffrey Campbell spiked litas. I peered around the bath room door to see Jade straightening her hair. I had mine curled and big with brown smokey eyes and nude lips. I started to think if Alan would like this but was interrupted. "Rach can you help me here". I looked round at Jade trying to straighten the back of her hair, "Here, let me". Once I had finished I graded my clutch and we went out side. The whole bands faces were a picture . Alan walked over to me. "Perfect height" he mumbled. I giggled and kissed his cheek. I looked over at Jade standing next to Austin. There was still a foot difference between them.  "Taxi's here guys, we should go" Austin said nudging Jade.

We got dropped off at a club downtown. The people were kind enough to give us a private booth. "So what do yous normally drink?" Austin asked "Jack all the way" was Jades answer "Shots, jack everything!" was mine. Alan looked at me with a smile. Before I knew it I was drinking Jäger bombs, lemon drops, buttery nipples, jello-shots, kamikazes and jack. I was beating every one on their drinks. Even Alan. One of my old favourite songs came on. I grabbed Jades hand and dragged her to the dance floor. I started wiggling my hips and dancing all sexy while Jade just looked at me like 'What the Fuck!'. Alan came behind me and grabbed my hips. I turned to face him. I saw Jade out of the corner of my eye run back to Austin who was still sitting down. Alan turned me so my ass was on him and I started grinding on him. Once the song finished Alan spun me around to face him. He started heavy breathing in my ear. "I fucking love you" he whispered. "I fucking hate you" I whispered back to him. He looked at me as we both laughed. "Do you want another drink?" I looked at alan. "That's like asking if I'd take you to the bathroom and be a loud kitty again" I said sarcastically. He laughed as we walked back to Jade and Austin. "Austin come with me to get our girls drinks?" Austin leaned in and kissed Jade and whispered something to here then left with Alan. I walked over to Jade and flopped on her shoulder. " I fucking love you bitch!".

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