Chapter 36- mini us (Jades P.O.V)

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I woke up and ran my hand down my side until I met Austin's which was wrapped around my side and resting on my stomach. "You're awake!?" He said in a sarcastic tone before kissing my cheek. "Yep! How's the little man?" I asked whilst sitting up. "He's fine! He woke up but he's sleeping again. He just needed food. I think he's missing his mum and dad though!" He said in a tired and raspy voice as he looked up at me and then eventually sat up. I rubbed my stomach as it was starting to ache. Rachael never had this much bother at 3 months. "Yeah, I'd miss them if they left for 3 weeks" I said as I noticed Austin wasn't focusing. I looked at him, he was looking at my stomach and had a little smile on his face, I could tell he was proud. "Are you okay?" I asked as he snapped out of his little day dream. "It's crazy that I'm goanna meet my little baby soon and today I'm goanna get my first glimpse" he said smiling. I smiled at him before he wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his lips. He kissed me again before kissing my neck and then my stomach.

Anthony started crying. Austin moaned as he got up to get him. This is when I realized what today was. I'm 3 months pregnant which means I'm at my safety date. I breathed a sigh of relief. The family curse hadn't lived on. I always said that I was never having kids and that I never wanted a baby. Everyone believed it but me. I always wanted at least one kid but when I was 13 my doctor said that because of the family records of miscarriages and not being able to have kids plus my blood that was too low on iron and will still run low until the day I die, there is a huge change that I will always miscarry. I've proved them wrong, I'm just hoping that it keeps going and that I will have a family. The one thing I've dreamt of since I met the love of my life.

I lay back down. I wasn't allowed to move. If I did Austin would pick me up and carry me back to my bed. Anthony was lying in his play pen playing with his stuffed kitty. Austin leaped on the bed next to me. I leaped up to get something but he pulled me back and sat me in between his legs. I lay leaning on his chest as he had his hands resting on my stomach as my hands held them. "So what are we calling it?" He said with a cheesy grin. "Well, if it's a boy I was thinking Ben..." I said sarcastically knowing it would annoy him. "Well if it's a girl you won't mind if we call it Gielle." He said as he laughed and kissed my neck. Oh how I love him, the bastard. "But seriously, what are you thinking?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "I know exactly what we are calling him or her and you're goanna love it." I said smiling him before kissing him.

It was finally time to get all of Anthony's stuff ready. We had it all packed and ready when Alan phoned Austin. Austin spoke to him as I played with Anthony. "Get in the car" Austin said as he grabbed all of Anthony's bags. I looked at him confused. "Alan has spent all the money on the journey home on stuff for Ant, so I need to pick them up!" He said as we walked out and he closed the door. I put Anthony in his car seat and got in the car. As soon as Austin got in I said "What is it with us always saving their ass?" With that we both laughed and quickly drove to pick them up.

We arrived at the airport to see them both sitting in the cafe. Austin and I got out and took Anthony in with us. Austin carried him until we were at the entrance of the cafe. Austin placed him down as he ran over to his mummy and daddy. We both walked over and sat at the table next to them as they were having their happy moment hugging Anthony. Austin and I sat smiling as they were so cute. Once Alan had picked up Anthony and had him sitting on his lap they both looked at Austin and I. "What the fuck has happened here!?" Alan said looking at my stomach in disbelief. "You're a stupid cunt, you know that, right? I'm 3 months. You saw me 3 weeks ago!" I shouted whilst laughing. He looked at Rachael and done an embarrassed laugh. "3 months my ass, you're a fat bitch that needed an excuse!" Rachael yelled whilst looking at my bump as Anthony laughed like he understood what she was saying. I glared at her. "Anyway, even though I'm having a great time with you and Alan questioning me and little bastard child laughing, I have to go to a scan so we need to leave" at that I got up and walked out whilst Austin, Anthony and dumb and dumber followed.

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