Chapter 22- Decisions, Decisions

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Alan started to become distant ever since we had said about the baby. His last words kept running through my head "I can't fucking do this!" no matter what I did to try talk to him about little Ashby he changed the subject. We were leaving for Orange County tomorrow. Alan and I were going to join Austin and Jade at his for a while. Just until we were on our feet.

"Rach you okay?" Jade snapped me out of my day dream. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine just... Uhggg I don't know". Jade walked over and sat beside me. "Rach everything's going to be okay" she quietly whispered in my ear. I started to sob on her lap. "Once again I need to save your ass" she said standing up. "Come on" she said picking up her bag. I looked at her confused "Where are you going?" I asked her slightly concerned. "We need to get new clothes Rach and especially you before you start showing... Oh and lunch with Austin and Alan..." I growled at her "I don't get a choice do I?" Jade smirked and shook her head. I stood up and grabbed my bag and started to walk past her "Showing... subtle hit of you calling me fat Hunni?" I asked sarcastically. She slapped me on the back of the head and said "Just cause you're carrying Alans little baby doesn't mean you get special treatment." 

It was so nice just to be me and Jade again. I missed our girl chats. We got recognised several times because we were dating Alan and Austin. I got asked what it was like dating a failure and a muck up. "Every one messes up in their life... If anything his imperfections are what make me love him more". Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Alan standing. Austin was standing with a bag from Tiffanys. I saw Jades eyes lit up. We walked over to them and Jade went straight to the bag. "Not for you, I got Alan a present". Austin smiled at Jade. Jade growled "Because you and Alan aren't gay". I giggled as I blurted out "No homo".

Instead of the usual taco bell for lunch, we went to a more classy restaurant. Austin was talking to Jade about how it was family owned. I zoned out. I was too busy watching Alan like a hawk. Every so often he would look at me and smile. His eyes locked on to mine as I looked towards the bag. He pointed to the door. I stood up "I just need some fresh air, it's a little stuffy in here" Alan followed me. We got out side "What's in the bag? It's going to drive Jade nuts." "I'm just as confused as you, he said he had to take care of some unknown business, we met up about 5 mins before we saw yous". " We better get back in" we both hurried back in to our seats to see Jade nearly kicking Austin. "Has he still not told, hen?" I asked Jade "Shut the fuck up" me and Alan burst out laughing, we both looked at each and smiled. Alan reached for my hand and took mine in his. "Rach?" he asked. I looked at him noticing Jade now squeezing Austins hand very tightly trying to make him tell. "Yes?" I asked him "I love you" before I could answer him Jade burst out with "Will you just fucking tell me!"

After lunch we decided to finish up shopping. "We've just one or two things to do" Alan pointed out to Austin with a wink. Jade growled at Austin "Better fucking tell me soon" Austin laughed "I fucking love you too" he fired back at her. I looked at Alan who winked at me. I was confused. What had I done this time. 

After shopping a bit with Jade and a number of terrible fat jokes later, we decided to go and get a coffee. "What have you and Alan decided?" Jade asked as I sipped my starbucks. "He hasn't said a word about little Ashby, when we were having lunch that was the first he seemed okay". I looked up at Jade who was stuffing her face with a triple choc muffin. "Could you fit anymore in your mouth there hen" I giggled to my self as I sipped my latte. "How's the cravings going?" She asked as she stuffed the last part of the muffin in her mouth. "That good that I want a freaking muffin now!" I got up and walked over to the counter. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the cutest little baby shop ever. Before I turned round to order a muffin I noticed Austin and Alan. Alan had stopped Austin and pointed into the shop. My heart started to flutter. I felt a warmth grow within my tummy. He walked in and went straight to the neutral section. I turned back around and got my muffin. Jade stood up and walked behind me. "Who you spying on?" she asked "Alan's just walked into that baby shop" I said as I turned to her smiling like the Cheshire cat. He walked back out carrying a little blue box tied with silver ribbon. My phone buzzed in my pocket. "Who's that?" Jade asked "Alan, he says we have to head back to the bus" I turned to Jade and smiled. "Lets go!". We went back and got our shopping bags and headed back to the bus.

By the time we arrived back it was time for us to pack. Alan took my hand and whisked me into the back lounge. "Sit please" he demanded. I sat and looked at him. "I know I've been a dick lately but I think this might make up for it" he handed me the box from earlier. I looked at him in shock. "This might answer our problem". My hands trembled as I untied the ribbon. I opened up the box and rummaged about the tissue paper. I pulled out a pair of baby kitten ears and a baby tail. I looked up at Alan who already had his cat ears on and was holding a pair for me "Lets welcome this little dude in to the family shall we?". I sat the box to the side and jumped up and wrapped my arms around Alans neck as tears started to roll down my cheeks. "You mean it?" I asked in between sobs. "Yes why wouldn't I want a smaller version of me" I started to giggle "If it's a boy I know what were calling it" I pulled back and looked at him confused. He kissed me. We opened the door of the lounge to see Austin holding Jade on his hips. "Take it yous have good news too?" I asked.

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