chapter 2- The cashby experience

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We had an hour's drive ahead of us. Jade sat with her headphones in pretending to be Austin... The only reason I knew this was because she would go to scream then remember she was in a cab so just mouth the words... I'm glad one of us wasn't stressing. I had no idea how he would take to me in person. Yes we texted and called and if we both had the time we face timed each other. Yet in the back of my mind I had a little voice yelling above all of the others "He's going to see you as a monster and run!" I tried drowning it out with what ever thought I could think of... Warped Tour, being in Seattle with my best friend, unicorns farting rainbows but it just stood out even more. A minute in this cab felt like years. As the distance decreased my heart rate increased. My palms started to sweat. I don't know how long I could last without going for a pee. Jade being in sociable sent me a text

"Hunni no! Hunni calm! Hunni this is our jam!"

If anything it made me smile. Alan told me to text him when we were near so he could meet us out front but there was 45 minutes left of being stuck in this cab... I rolled down my window and rested my head on my arms and looked out the window as we travelled over route 18. The nice cool breeze stroking my face like a gentle hand and even the smells reminded me that we weren't near home anymore...
"Rach?...Rachael?... RACHEL?!" "WHAT?" I screamed as I jumped out of my skin. Whilst I was getting my breath back Jade told me we were 5 minutes away. I had fell asleep. I shuffled about trying to find my phone. Finally I found it and quickly called Alan ...


Panic set in what if he didn't answer?! How was he meant to meet us? There's no way we could sneak past the guards? Jade knew something was up. She started giving me the concerned brow look. Just as soon as I was about to say Alans not picking up the ginger devil called

"Charming" I murmured. Jade looked at me and said "What?" I replied "You're going to get a big surprise" as we pulled up outside the band entrance. Alan was no where to be seen. Jade got out as I went to pay the cab driver "I'll make a deal with ya! You get in there, cabs free. If you don't, you pay me and I'll take you to a hotel?" He said "Deal" I snapped at him as I got out and shut the door. The guards at the gate started looking us up and down. They knew we didn't belong here. Even with my back turned I felt their cold icy stare burn into the back of my skull. As I bent down to open my purse and check I had everything Jade started to move forward. I sprayed more of my spray and took a deep breath as I stood up I turned, as if it was a scene from Bay Watch I saw Alans ginger locks swish over his face as he ran past the guards and high-fived them. Quickly I wiped my hands on my ass... Sweaty hands don't make a good first impression. I glanced over at Jade who had more or less melted to the ground at the sight of Austin. I started to slowly walk over to Alan. At that moment in time a little voice screamed "SHIT HE ISN'T STOPPING" before I had time to move, his hands wrapped round my waist and lifted me up spinning me round, he looked so happy. He stopped spinning but still held me high up as if I was Simba from The Lion King. I chuckled "It's nice to see you too" What happened next I wasn't ready for... His sexy husky voice said "Here's the Scottish girl I know" as he dropped me and pulled me in close for a hug. Our bodies were so close together I was scared we would melt into the same person. He loosened the hug and kissed my nose as I blushed, he let go and faced Austin. He walked over to Jade and wrapped his arm around her and looked up at Austin "And Austin this is your arm candy. Jade meet Austin, Austin meet Jade" Jade just managed to move her lips to say "Hiya" in the faintest whisper of her voice. I was so pleased for her. Alan let his arm drop off of Jades shoulder as it was replaced with Austins. While they shared their happy moment I snuck back into the cab. As smug as ever I handed him 20 and said "Told you!" With a slight pissed off tone in his voice he mumbled "Alan fucking Ashby and Austin bloody Carlile.." I replied "Don't under estimate people, they might speak the truth" as I slipped out the cab and shut the door to see Alan picking up Jades bags. I walked over to him and said "You should let Jade get them." He had a slight giggle and whispered "I don't think we will be able to get her away from Austin." I took a slight glance in their direction to see them walking back the way Alan and Austin came. Her arm wrapped around his waist while his arm draped her shoulder perfectly. I looked at Alan and said "They two are cute but I'd watch Jade she might go a tad fangirl on him haha." I started to pick up my bags as we started to walk past the guards. "Your vip passes are in the bus and we only have the two spare bunks free where we keep some useless stuff so you girls have two options.." I smiled at him and asked "They are?" he laughed and said "Well, your first one is you can come in with me and Jade can go with Austin or you take our bunks and we will sleep in the lounge" at that point I turned to him with a hint of guilt in my voice "You don't have to do that if I knew you were tight for space then me and Jade would have slept at a hotel or something" before I could finish Alan interrupted me mid flow "No, I had to leave you in Glasgow about a year ago, I am not letting you out of my sight.. You hear me Scotland?" I blushed and giggled "Take it that's my new nick name huh?" he smiled "Or I could call you The Bae" I blushed as we reached the tour bus.

I looked around as I asked shyly "Where's the rest of the guys?" Alan turned around and said "They're having lunch, probably" He walked to the bunks with my bags and threw them on his bunk. I watched him as he turned and grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. My cheeks turned bright red. "I don't care if this sounds soppy or what ever you call it but I actually missed you Rachael, more than anything" I looked up at him and whispered "Do you really you mean that? I woke up the next morning and you were gone. I didn't know what to think then I saw you had put your number in my phone and..." Before I could finish what I was trying to say Alan butted in "I've been wanting to do this to you ever since I left you." I looked at him puzzled as he ran his hand up some of my waist to my cheeks. He pulled me in and pressed his soft lips against mine. I push against his with the same force. He pulled off mine and rested his head on mine. He smiled at me and said "Best kiss ever..."

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