Chapter 25- Orange County

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The plane journey to Orange County was amazing. We all took the piss out of Austin with the whole. "Austin!" then tapping our phones and head banging. The other people on the flight must have thought we were mental. There was also some talk about Jades wedding. Wasn't long till the guys realised I would only be a couple of weeks from my due date." She will look like a stuffed sausage in a dress!" Jade pointed out. "Bitch, I watch CSI and I can make your death look like you choked of a piece of calzone" we all pissed our selfs laughing while Alan looked scared. "So what y'all doing when we get home?" Tino asked. Aaron and Phil both said they're going to see their girls again after being on tour for so long. "We're actually going to stay with Austin and Jade for a bit until we can find a new apartment that's good enough for our little kitty" I looked back at Alan and smiled. "There is no getting rid of you is there?" Jade asked. "Hell no Hunni, remember the first date when we said we were joined at the hip?" we both looked at each other and burst out laughing. Once the guys had settled down and Austin and Jade were having a little chat I rested my head on Alans shoulder. "You okay?" I asked him concerned. "Just, it's all becoming real isn't it". I froze on the seat. "I'm having a kid" he continued. "You're growing up" I said as I kissed his cheek. He let out a sigh "And I thought I was meant to be the hormonal one". I snuggled up to him and drifted off to sleep.

Once we were out of customs we said bye to the guys who had their girlfriends waiting. They were just as shocked when they told them about our news. "We all have to meet up some time just us girls" Aarons girlfriend Amanda said as we got into the taxi. "Well looks like the real adventure's just starting" Austin said smiling at all of us in the back.

I walked into Austins spare room which was going to be mine and Alans room until we get our own place. I flopped on the bed. "Make yourself at home, why don't you" Austin said as he brung in my bags. "Don't say that! She won't fucking leave" Jade piped up as she walked past going towards their bed room. Alan walked in carrying the rest of our bags. "I'll let yous get sorted, me and Jade have a surprise for us all" he mumbled as he walked up the hall. Alan closed the door. I looked at him
"What's wrong this time, baby blues?" I said sarcastically. "Funny, move your fat ass over and let me sit" he said as he walked over and picked me up. "Just think soon you won't be able to pick me up" I said laughing. He threw me over his shoulder "I'll still give it a try" he giggled as we flopped on the bed. There was a banging at our door. "Right bunnies, you're already multiplying we don't want any more little ashbys. THANK.YOU.VERY.MUCH" Jade shouted from the other side of the door. I looked at Alan who was trying to hold in a laugh but before we could we heard Jade squeak. We both ran over to the door and opened it up to see Austin running off with Jade over his shoulder. "Right bitches follow me!" he said as he pranced up the hall towards the front door. Me and Alan both followed.

The only instructions Austin had gave us was to get in the car and be quiet. We had had only been driving for about 15 minutes when he pulled up at a fair ground. My eyes lit up. "I've always wanted to go on a rollercoaster!" I squealed. "Emm, Hunni you have a bun in the oven and besides Austin can't either". I looked at Alan "Then why are we here?" the car fell silent "I'll give you two hints" Austin suggested. "It's mini and involves balls. It's one of Alans favorite pastimes". Me and Jade both looked at Alan. "MINI GOLF!!" Alan screamed. Me and Jade looked at each other. Only I could get the man that likes to play with balls.

Alan was the best at playing mini golf. I tried to beat him at several holes but he always done something cute to distracted me. He walked behind me before I took my shot and grabbed my hips. I was inches off his lips when we were interrupted by Jade laughing at Austin doing something silly with his yellow golf ball. Alan turned back to me and whispered "The only person I will ever love more than you is our little kitten" and kissed me. I blushed "My order is food, our kitten, then you". He done a sad little pout "Oh is that how it goes" he smirked as he grabbed my hips and put me over his shoulder and started running to the pool of water. I shrieked as he tipped me over so I was inches off the water. "What's the order now?" he asked with a cheeky grin. "You, our kitty, then food" he pulled me up and started to kiss me. For the first time since we found out I was pregnant Alan seemed to be his usual silly self. I felt like every thing was going to be okay. I looked over at Jade. She was so happy chasing Austin around trying to get back her golf ball. Alan walked up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist and his head on my shoulder. "What you thinking about?". "Jade was so unhappy back in Glasgow and when I told her on the plane about me and you her eyes lit up but I never thought she would be here right now engaged to Austin freaking Carlile". He turned me round and placed on hand on my cheek as he moved the hairs away from my face with the other one "I never thought I'd have fallen this hard for you but I'm glad I have". A tear ran down my cheek. Alan looked into my eyes just like he did at Glasgow. The feeling of I was going to be safe and he would take care of me came over me. "Is she fucking crying again?" Jade shouted from the green. I turned to see her watching us. " I swear to god you cry again I wont talk to you" Jade shouted "What about the mood swings?" Austin asked. "Oh it's fine I'm the bigger bitch here" I burst out laughing. Me and Alan walked over to join them for the next hole. All I thought about was how this was just the start. More was yet to come

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