chapter 6 - Revealing All

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No one was talking. Each one of us waiting for the other person to go. “Jade… I think we will be staying with these guys a lot longer than we think” was all I managed to pipe up. Alan looked at me as if he was going to say. “Austin, meet my new little kitty” Alan added to what I said. Austin and Jade looked at each other. “RACHAEL” Jade screamed as she flung her hands around me. “You won't die a virgin now and you will have someone to have farting contests with!”. My cheeks went bright red. Alan stared laughing. Austin patted Alan on his back “I'm afraid Cashby is no more… Meet my lil mosher” as he took Jades hand my jaw dropped. “Jade I'm so proud of you!!” I then turned to Austin. “Few things about Jade… She eats like a horse, doesn't share food and most likely will fart when you try to spoon her”. Alan and Austin burst into hysterics. Jades face was a picture but then she cracked a smile. "All them reasons just make her more perfect for me” Austin said staring deeply into her eyes. I smiled at Alan Looks like this trip was worth the years wait. Alan suggested that we started heading back so we cleaned up or tables and left taco bell.

Alan took my hand as we walked back. "Rach…Fancy a race?” whispered Jade. “HELL NO I ain't running not after what this ginger devil made me do today!” Alan laughed "Aww I'm sorry kitty” and kissed my forehead. We both turned to face Jade and Austin… Shock written over their faces. “What the fuck did you do!?" Jade shouted. She seemed concerned. Me and Alan realised what I had said. “NO! NO! NO! Not that! I just took her to see the main stage” Alan burst out with. We all started laughing. “So a race… Hmm shall we Alan” Austin sniggered to Alan. “Why yes, we shall” Alan answered back. Me and Jade looked at each other, what happened next we did not see coming. Alan and Austin bent over and told us to climb on to there backs. Sounding a bit concerned we both asked why. We never got a reply. Both boys made sure we got on okay. I gripped Alans top and wrapped my arms round his neck. Uhgg it smelt amazing. Austin finally came out with “Well both you girlies wanted a race, didn’t yous?” "Yes!” we both squeaked. "On the green light?” Alan asked Austin “On the green light” Austin agreed. Before we knew it both boys burst into a sprint. “Sparkle god dammit! Sparkle!” I shouted at Alan. “Twilight quote right now. Really?!” was the reply I got. I started laughing. Jade over heard me and shouted back to me “Rachael he isn’t a vampire!” after I had finished laughing I shouted “Hunni I'd let him bite me anyday!” Even the boys started laughing at that. We were reaching the gate and Austin was just a a few centimeters infront of us. He guards watched us coming and had a chuckle to themselves. Austin reached the entrance first and stop and swung Jade around so she was sitting on his hips and kissed her. Alan stopped and I whispered in his ear “Aren’t they just too cute”. Alan let me slide down his back and I started to walk to Jade. He grabbed my and and twirled me into him holding my hips “Not as cute as you” His husky voice made me shiver as he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms round his neck. We heard a cough from one of the guards and pulled back “Sorry" Alan said walking past the guard rubbing the back of his neck with one hand while holding my hand with the other. Jade and Austin were laughing so much “Might want to pick a better spot for your romantic moment Alan” giggled Austin. He moved his arm round my shoulder and pulled me in close so we were copying Austin and Jade. Alan kissed my forehead. “You know we have to tell the others, right?” I nodded “I know”. We arrived at the bus.

We all climbed in Aaron, Phil and Tino were sitting in the main seating area. Alan and I sat next to each other while Austin and Jade sat next to each other. They all looked at each other. “Emm have you got something you want to tell us?” Tino asked. “I'm just going to come out and say it Rachael is my new kitty” shortly after Austin piped up “And Jade's my lil mosher”. There was silence. They burst out laughing while we sat confused. “We already knew” piped up Aaron “We saw yous walking back from taco bell… cute ass” Alan looked at me and kissed me. The whole bus filled with d'awws. We sat and talked for about an hour then me and Jade took off our make-up. “You look terrible” was the nicest thing that came out of my mouth to Jade “Going to take that as a compliment… Seen how you look like a fucking zombie!” We both pissed our selfs laughing then got changed into our pjs
Jade wore shorts and a muscle tee with massive arm holes. She joined Austin in the lounge I waited til Alan walked down the bunks and hopped out in front of him “And how may I help you misses, am I too good for a top?” I was standing in my comfiest matching underwear. His eyes scanned my body. “See cause you love me.. Can I steal a top of yours?” biting my lip after I said it. “Who said I love you?” He said with a sexy grin. I kissed his nose and grabbed the hem of his top and ran my cold hands up his chest. In a flash he took his top off and lay it on his bunk, pulled me in close and went to snog me. Inches off his lips “Thanks for the top” I whispered as I grabbed the top and put it on. I stood at the door to the lounge “ You're such a tease” he mumbled. I winked and said "After all I am your kitty" and entered the lounge. Alan joined us five minutes later wearing matching pj bottoms with Austin. Me and Jade giggled

Austin and Alan sat on the sofa while me and Jade sat in between their legs. “You girls ever played cod?” asked Alan. I looked at Jade and smiled “Once or twice” I sniggered. We ended up playing against them. Girls vs boys. At first we acted a tad dumb. What does this button do and accidentally killing them. What they didn’t know was me and Jade played this game religiously. After they won once or twice we started playing normal we won nearly every game after that. Seeing Alans little pouty face was so god damn cute. “Okay.. Okay, how about we just watch a movie or something?” I stood up and said “Sounds perfect” as I cuddled up next to Alan. I snuggled into his bare chest. 2 hours later we realised it was half 2. “Guys I think its time we got to bed,” Austin suggested. Jade was still wide awake, I was practically asleep. Austin and Jade tiptoed to their bunk and climbed in. Alan picked me up and held me close to his chest. I listen to his heart beat. He lifted me up and placed me in the bunk and hopped up in beside me. He pulled the covers over us as I snuggle back into his chest. I whispered “Alan?” He looked down at me as I grabbed his chin and kissed him. He started opening his mouth as we open mouth kiss. He felt my head get heavy. He pulled back and whispered “Baby sleep" and kissed my forehead and switched off the light… I lay in the pitch dark, the only thing I heard was his heart beating… Before I shut my eyes I heard Alans husky voice saying “I love you” There was a silence as I whispered back.. “I love you too”

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