Chapter 17- Let Live ( jades P.O.V)

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"I fucking love you bitch" she said clearly pissed. I looked at her and laughed before saying "No homo!" She laughed and slid on the seat, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back up. She was still in hysterics. She put her head on my shoulder, tears falling down her face laughing like a dying cat. Thank god Alan didn't hear her and her make up was waterproof. "What did he whisper to you?" She managed to say. "Who?" I asked looking at her trying to focus her eyes on me. "The tall one!" I looked at her confused, surely she hasn't forgotten Austins name... "What tall one?" I asked. "The one you're shagging" she said back in her Scottish slang... Yep she's forgot Austins name. "Austin!" I said laughing. "Yep!" She said pointing at me. "I didn't hear him, besides even if I did know it's fuck all to do with you!" I said watching her try and find a glass with alcohol in it. "You would... You tell me everything!" She said slapping my arm. I looked over at Austin who was looking at me giggling to himself. I mouthed "help" at him to hurry him up. He laughed and grabbed the drinks. The whole night Alan and Rachael had drank everything whilst Austin and I had barely drank five. The worst was Rachael was a light weight trying to drink as much as she could and Alan was a bit of a light weight himself but he could still stand... Rachael couldn't...

Austin walked over and sat down next to me and put our drinks on the table. I looked at him and put my arms around him hugging into him. I buried my head in his chest as he kissed the top of my head, I wished we were sitting watching a DVD instead of babysitting Rachael and Alan. Then I heard one glass being slammed down on the table followed by another. I let go of Austin and saw both our glasses empty and Rachael wiping her mouth. I looked at Austin in shock, he looked away laughing and scratched his neck. "Home! Now!" I said practically picking her up. "No! Alan's got drinks!" She yelled pointing at Alan who had two large drinks in his hand. "For fuck sake!" I said moaning and sitting back down. Alan gave Rachael her drink and sat next to her both of them laughing at stupid things like the shape of a fucking glass. "What if the glass was shaped as a... a... a.... Dick!" Rachael said looking proud. "Or the ice was!" Alan said back as they both giggled away. I watched their stupidity as Austin said "We're gonna get food, we'll get you once we've finished" "No shit aims Ginger princess" I threatened Alan. Austin got up and put out his hand to help me up. I'm not pissed and fully capable to get up but it was a cute gesture anyway.

We walked to the kebab shop just around the corner. We ordered a pizza and chips and sat at the table in the corner. "Thank fuck we're away from them" he said laughing. "You fucking left me!" I said throwing a chip at him. "I come back though!" He said smiling at me. I looked at him. How fucking perfect can one man be. He ran his hand through his hair pushing a bit of hair that had fell away from his face and looked at me with his deep brown eyes that seemed to take my problems away. I couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, you came back but I had to listen to her for five minutes!" I said moaning. He laughed and stole the bottle of coke we were drinking from and took a drink. "Austin?" I asked. "Yeah?" He said looking at me. "What did you say earlier? When Alan and Rach were walking back?" I asked. I saw him smile as he held my hand. "Em... I may have said that maybe you'd do a private dance like that for me... In the bedroom" He used his other hand to hide his face. I pushed away his hand and said "You're adorable when you're embarrassed" and kissed him. I was about to pull away when he pulled me back and kissed me again. "I wish we could go home and leave them but no, I might have to save Rachael's ass" I said laughing. "I'll save your ass and get us home" Austin said laughing. "I'm tired" I moaned whilst yawning. Austin held my hand and said "Don't worry, soon you'll be cuddled up next to me, in your bed" I smiled at him and kissed him. He stood up and held my hand as we walked out to see what state the Ginger fucking Princess and Kinky the cat were in.

We got back in the club to see Rachael eating the face off Alan. I walked over and slammed my hands on the table making both of them have a mini heart attack. "Home. Now!" I yelled grabbing Rachael's wrist as Austin grabbed Alans. We picked up their stuff so they didn't forget anything. I walked to the door with Austin both of us looking like we were angry parents taking our children home. Rachael and Alan stumbled behind us once we finally let go and knew there was no chance of them going back. We hailed down a cab. I climbed in and sat at the back row with Austin as Alan climbed in the front row and pulled Rachael up who showed her arse to everyone outside. I looked at Austin and shook my head as he giggled, wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. I hugged into him as we watched a very drunk Rachael try to snog Alan as she missed him and kissed the cabs seat. I buried my head in Austins chest trying to make my laughs quieter so she didn't know I was laughing at her. "Alan, how much does a polar bear weigh... Enough to break the ice!" Rachael said giggling like an idiot. "No!  My line!" Austin screamed giving Rachael, Alan and the cab driver a heart attack. Everyone pissed themselves laughing and the cab driver gave us the cab for free. Must have been scared. We reached the bus. Finally she'll go to sleep and shut her pus! But we had one final obstacle to face... The stairs. Alan crawled up and walked away. Rachael tried to get in but couldn't, so I got in first and attempted to pull her up. She couldn't even do that. So in the end Austin had to pick her up and carry her in. He carried her to her bed which Alan was already in sleeping. Not even a second after she was placed in she was sleeping. I got changed into a vest top and Austins boxers and climbed in my bed. Austin later climbed in wearing boxers. I kissed him. "I love you" we both said at the same time. I smiled at him before I cuddled into him and drifted off to sleep.

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