Chapter 29- fucking sober

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I felt a lump in my throat when Austin and Jade said "I do". Alan noticed me tearing up. Fucking hormones. The smile on Jades face after they kissed made me feel so grateful that I brung her on this trip. The new Mr & Mrs Carlile started to walk back up the aisle as Alan took my hand and we walked back up behind them.

We were escorted into a drinking lounge so they could get the eating area for us ready. I had one surprise for Jade as a secret wedding gift. I just hoped she hadn't seen them. I walked up to her and pulled her away from Austin. "What the fuck are you doing?" she asked as I pulled her into a side room. "I knew this was big day for you so... SURPRISE!" I said as I turned her round to see her cousin Sean with his little girl Izzi. "Izzi!" Jade said running over to them. "How did you manage it!" she said turning to me. "Well I ate all your food before I moved out and still haven't repaid you so I thought you would want to see Izzi on your wedding day" I said smiling back "Oh and one more thing" I said as I pulled my phone out my bra. "Me and Alan got someone to film the whole wedding for you and your mum she's expecting a call I sorted it out for you as I handed her the phone with her mum on the other end. "Mum?" Jades voice broke as she was trying to hold back the tears, "Austin will be in soon he knows everything" I said as I walked out to give them some privacy.

I walked out in to the hall way to see Alan taking a sip of champagne. "And what the fuck is this... You promised no drinking?" I growled at him. "Just the once, here I ordered you a vodka and coke". I just looked at Alan till he clicked on to it. "Oh, yeah, you can't drink.." He said as I gave him a sarcastic smile. "Water for you then" he said in a squeaky voice. He kissed my nose and walked away to reorder for me.

Alans was the first speech up. He went on about how when him and Austin done funny things and all the memories and how pleased he was for him getting married. I was getting nervous. Jade had no idea I was going to do a speech. Alan handed me the mic.

"First off I'd like to say congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Carlile, now not many of you know Jade but she is one special girl to me. I still remember the first day I met her over 9 years ago when I moved schools, Jade being Jade didn't say hi, just growled every time I passed. It wasn't until a couple of weeks later when we ended up in the same history class we started become friends, oh Mr Simpson, if he could see us now" Jade started giggling so did every one else. "If it wasn't for Jade introducing me to heavy metal music I wouldn't have started listening to Of Mice and Men and wouldn't be here today. Jade always had dreams of how she wanted her life to turn but never had the courage to go after them. She was always telling me to go for it and not to be scared so a years down the line I surprised her by taking her to warped tour telling her we were going to meet Of Mice & Men. Her first reaction was OH MY FUCKING GOD Austin Carlile!! But never did I think I would be standing here calling her Mrs Carlile but Jade I am proud of you even though I thought this would be my happy story but instead I've been knocked up and knocked out but I don't care because you will always be my little sister!". Jade got up and ran to me "You fucking asshole" she said as she hugged me. "I love you too #nohomo" I shouted. We both started laughing as Austin stood up and thanked everyone for coming as they brought out the food. My eyes lit up as I saw the big ass prawns on the plate.

During the meal everyone was drinking ...Then there was me.. Fucking fresh orange. Jade made sure that I got the big portions of food. After all cravings. After the meal the baby wasn't happy. Kept kicking me. The look on Alans face when he felt it kick was amazing, he looked like such a proud father. It was time for Jade and Austins dance. Austin got up on stage and took the mic "So my lil mosher the guys wanted to do something special for us and I helped. "Alan got up and got on stage with the rest of the guys as Austin hopped down and grabbed Jades hips. "We normally don't do covers of songs but Rachael told us you fell in love with it when you heard it." Jade looked over at me and blushed. The boys started playing Iris by the goo goo dolls. She rested her head on Austin chest. I started to cry she looked so beautiful with him. I saw Alan looking over at me laughing. "Hormones" I mouthed to him. I watched Austin twirl her round the floor. She kept laughing and smiling. She noticed me out the corner of her eye "Asshole" she mouthed as a tear ran down her cheek.

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