chapter 12 - San Diego

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After the events of yesterday I woke up in the bunk cuddled up to Alan. He was still sleeping. I looked at all his tattoos and remembered how much Jade and I wanted one. We used to sit for hours sketching them out then binning them, just to draw the exact same one. I kept running over in my head how they heard us. I heard the rest of the band was up. I picked my phone up and texted Austin.

Moments later he appeared outside of our bunk. “Easy” he whispered. I watched what he was going to do. He placed his lips inches off Alans ears and screamed in them. Alan woke up and smacked his head of the roof of the bunk “Not funny! You wanker!” Austin burst into laughter as he walked away. I kissed his head where he had hit it “Are you okay?” I asked. He nodded and slid out the bunk. Before I had time to slip out he had already caught me in his arms and plopped me down on the ground. I smiled at him and kissed him. I took his hand as we walked in to the front seating area where every one was having breakfast. “If it isn’t the bunnies” Jade piped up. “We didn’t do anything last night so I don’t know what your talking about” before I had time to change the subject Jade pretened to be me, “I am one loud kitty cat ain't I Ally cat” I looked at Alan, whos face was bright red. The bus burst into laughter. I grabbed a bowl of lucky charms and sat down in an empty seat. Every so often you would get the occasional meow that came from either Aaron, Tino or Phil. I was going to kill Jade for this. Alan sat next to me just so he could be cute. “Don’t turn into bunnies while we are all here” sniggered Jade. “Shut it Virgin Mary just because I get more action than you!” Jade blushed and looked to the floor. What was she not telling me?

After breakfast and the few rehearsals the guys had today Alan decided we should use the spare time we had to go on a date. Just the two of us. I went back to the bus to touch up my make-up and get my bag. Jade was doing the same. “And where are you going?” I asked her “Oh, no where, Austin and I are going on a little date. What are you doing then Kitty” I glared at her “Just because I'm a kinky fucker and like it rough, Alan and I are going to go catch a movie or something” Jade seemed off but I couldn’t tell what. “Well have fun” “You too” I said as I left the bus and caught up with Alan.

We decided to go see 50 days of summer. After all it was Alans favorite movie. "I promise I won't look at Zoey Deschanel”. “Oh really, how will I know?“ I asked him intrigued “Because I have something so much better than her, right here” I looked around the mostly empty seats. “I don’t see any cats in here Alan,” he laughed and turned to me “There's one right in front of me and shes my girl friend, my ikkle kitty” as he kissed my nose. I giggled and rested my head on his chest as the movie began. I wasn’t really into it but Alan loved it. Every so often he would turn to me and kiss my head. All I done was eat popcorn and get fat. I just couldn’t wait for it to Finish.

“How did you find it?” he asked with the biggest grin on his face. “Emm. Yeah. Alright” before I even let another word escape my mouth “What was your favourite bit?”. My mind went blank at the answer I zoned out right at the start of the movie because I wasn’t in the mood to watch a romantic movie. I wanted to see a more scary horror one. “That part with the... Emm space unicorn?” Alan laughed “ I knew you didn’t want to watch it, why didn’t you just say?” I looked to the ground. He placed his hand under my chin and gently forced me to look up. “That just shows me how much you love me” as he kissed my lips. I was so confused. “What do you mean?” he looked straight into my eyes “If you would sit through a whole movie that you didn’t want to watch, you must love me,” “Or really bored?” I interrupted with. He laughed and placed his arm round my shoulder. “I'm sure there's a Taco Bell around here some where” I giggle “All you think about is food, I love this!” he turned and faced me "And I love you” I smied and whispered “I love you too” and then kissed him.

Once we had ate our usual from Taco Bell we grabbed our drinks and started walking back to the bus park. I had almost forgotten that the news was out about Alan and I. About 7 people stopped us to get their picture taken with us. I was even asked for my autograph. “Need to watch the stalkers now" Alan mumbled as we walked away. “What do you mean?" I asked him. Well now that you have your own fan base growing the stalkers will grow with them, wanting to replace you with them, the fan fictions they will make, some are funny and cute but others are slightly creepy.” I started panicking inside my head. “I'll be fine, Jade has my ass." We both burst out laughing as we got closer to the entrance.

We had finally reached the bus and it looked as if Jade and Austin were back before us. We walked on to the bus to see Jade sitting rather uncomfortable. “So, emm what did yous do while we were all gone?” Alan asked. I watched Jades face. Something was different. I couldn't tell what. “Austin broke me in and then you know, just the usual” Jade piped up. "Broke you in!" I said shocked. "Yeah... A tattoo!" Jade said blushing, followed by Austin asking how the movie was. "Alright I guess, Alan got to stare at Zoey Deschanel and I got to sleep now enough of our date, what happened on yours after the tattoo?” Jade and Austin looked at each other. "Eh... Eh... Nothing" they both said “Yous don’t make very good liars now do you?" Alan smirked.

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