Chapter 24 - The Trueth Comes Out

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I woke up the next morning to Alan rubbing my stomach. I looked up at him as he smiled and kissed my head "Morning sleepy" he whispered in my ear as he rested his head on mine. I rested my head on his chest as his hand ran over my stomach. I couldn't help but think how perfect our little family would be in the new year. Jade and Austin getting married as us having a kitten. My happy thoughts were interrupted by Jade. "Right cat lovers get the fuck up... We need to leave soon for the plane" as she threw my shoes at me. I got up and turned to Alan "I just have one or two things to pack before we leave for the plane" before he could even reply to that Jade shouted up from the other side of the bus "They're already packed because you were too lazy to get up early unlike us this morning and get them done" Once again she was saving my ass. "Jade, what you are wearing today?" I shouted back at her. "Black skinnys, black vest top, Austins shirt and black vans " I smiled back at her as I turned and poked my head in the lounge at Alan on his phone checking twitter. "My tops look cuter on you anyway" was his reply. I ran to our suit case and pulled out his great music muscle tee, my light wash skinny ripped jeans and black vans. I walked into the bath room and started doing my make-up. I had only been in 5 minutes when Jade started knocking on the door, "Hurry the fuck up! We leave in an hour" "What?! I need 3" I shouted back at her. I knew it would wind her up. Once my make-up was done I scarped my bed head up into a messy bun with a skeleton bow and hangover shades. I walked out the bathroom and walked past Jade. She lifted her hand and hit me over the back of my head "I gave you 5 minutes, you took 10" I started laughing "You should know me by now". I looked to see Alan standing at the door. I walked past him and picked up his white checked shirt and tied it round my waist. "What is it with you and Jade matching?" he asked with a slight giggle. "She's my twin" I laughed. Jades voice piped up from the bathroom "I wont be your twin if you don't get your fucking ass in the taxi now!" at that me and Alan both made a swift exit to the taxi where Austin was standing waiting on Jade.

I slept most the taxi journey to the airport. We were exited to be going to Orange County. We had always wanted to go but never had a reason. Before we caught up with Tino, Phil and Aaron Austin wanted to talk about something. "Shall we come clean to the guys?" I looked at Jade who looked just as confused as me. "What do you mean?" asked Alan "Well they will wonder why Rachael's going to be getting fatter and why Jade has a ring on her wedding finger." "Easy just say Rachael's off her diet" before he could finnish I slapped him over the back of the head. "I think we should" I said to Austin as Jade nodded in agreement. "Where did you say we would meet the guys?" Austin asked Alan. " The board gate" he said even though he didn't seem too sure on it.

After wasting an hour searching for them we finally found them at the café. They told us that we would be boarding at 4 o'clock at gate 69. Me and Alan both giggled when they told us the number. As we had some time to spare me and Jade decided to have a look through duty free. "Rach?" she asked as we were browsing the perfumes. "Yeah, what is it?" I replied. " I never really got to say thank you for being my best mate and allowing me to come here with you, I mean if I didn't come I wouldn't be engaged to the man of my dreams and I wouldn't be able to save your ass as much as I have done" I started to giggle and hugged her. "Are you forgetting?" she looked at me confused. "When I first met you I was the dubstep junkie that had a crap taste in music" Jade cut me off and mumbled "You still do occasionally" I laughed at her "Now look at me. I'm madly in love with Alan Ashby and I'm carrying his child and my best mate is getting married but not just to anyone... Austin Carlile!" I started to cry and Jade swooped in and hugged me. "You don't have to cry!" she laughed. "I can't help it, these hormones." We both pissed ourselves laughing. We heard our flight being called over the tannoy to board. We started to walk back to the guys. "Jade" I said as she looked at me and nodded for me to continue "I love you .. no homo intended" Jade laughed " I love you tae, Mrs knocked up and knocked out".

Once we had boarded the plane we got into our seats. Aaron, Tino and Phil were in one row and me, Alan, Austin and Jade in the row in front. We put our luggage in the over head storage area and sat down. We all looked at each other to see if it was time. "Wait till we are allowed to take our seatbelts off, that way if they want to kill us we can run" whispered Austin. We all giggled. Within 10 minutes the pilot had us up in the air and we were allowed to take our seat belts off. Aaron jumped up behind Austin "Hey Austin" he shouted as he slapped his phone, Austin turned around to see us all head banging making fun of him when he hears a good song. Alan looked at Austin as if to say this is the right time. We all stood up and turned to face them.

"We have some big news to tell you guys" Austin said. Aaron, Tino and Phil all looked at each other. "Is it that Cashby's over because we kinda guessed that" piped up Phil. We all laughed "Not that but Jade and I are going to get married" "Next February so that all Austin has to do is get a bit added to his tattoo and I can get the matching one" Jade piped up. the smiles on their faces grew. Tino looked over at me and Alan. "So if that's their news, whats yours?". I looked at Alan and smiled as he took my hand. "Me and Rachael are expecting a kitten" Aaron laughed "The fluffy one with a tail or a baby you?" We said nothing. "I'm going to say it's not the fluffy kind" Tino piped up, "No it's going to be our little kitten" Alan said as he held both of my hands in his hands and looked straight into my eyes. "I love you and I swear to god I will do anything to make you and our kitty happy" all we heard from the rest of 1st class was awws. I threw my arms around Alans neck " I freeking love you too and I swear I will try not be a hassle to yo-" before I could finnish what I was saying Alan kissed me "Get a room!" Phil shouted as we
all pissed ourselves laughing.

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