Chapter 37- theres never an end always an &

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I looked out the plane window to see a bird's eye view of a rainy Scotland. To think after so many years in Orange County and with jade our paths have now taken different directions from one another. Even as teenagers we would have a laugh writing stupid fanfics about the bands we use to listen two saying how nothing could tear us apart and that no matter where we would end up we would always be together.

It was the hardest decision I ever had to make moving back to the UK. I and Alan had been thinking about it for a while. I tried to tempt jade in to moving back with us but she wouldn't go. I looked over at Alan who was watching Anthony, now 5 years old and our baby girl Ella who is 3. My parents have never met them and I was starting to miss the life back in Scotland. I missed the days where the rain was so heavy it sounded like tiny hands knocking your window, the days where the snow hugged the ground like a white blanket. Back in Orange County it felt like summer had taken over all the seasons. I gently ran my hand over my right side. It was where I and jade had got our matching tattoos. "My terror twin and I let's take over the world". I felt Alans hand run over the top of mine. "I miss her two" he mumbled under his breath as he kissed my hand. "I thought losing a friend was one thing but jade wasn't just my friend she was my sister" I whimpered trying to hold back the tears. Alan didn't seem so bothered that he was leaving Austin behind. I rested my head on Alans shoulder. "Are you sure we made the right decision moving?" I asked Alan. He didn't reply. I started to over think things. I know jade would act as if she didn't miss me and didn't need me but I knew deep down she would crumble into a million different pieces.

Once we were off the plane I saw my mum waiting for us just outside of customs. I ran over to her and hugged her "I've missed you so much" I whispered into her neck. "I missed you more" she said while realizing me for her death grip. "This mum is you little grandson Anthony and your little granddaughter Ella" I said gesturing towards both of them. Ella was hiding behind Alans leg "mummy I'm scared." Ella whimpered. I walked over and picked her up in my arms " Hun there's nothing to be scared of.." before I could Finnish what I was going to say my mother interrupted me " hello Ella, I'm your granny and this, this is where you mum grew up". Ella turned and snuggled into my chest. "She reminds me a lot like you at that age". I looked at Ella in my arms "I guess she dose" I replied to my mum. I looked over at Alan who was collecting our bags. "Do you know if they have finished furnishing our house yet?" I asked taking Anthony's hand and walking towards my mums' car. "yes it looks fantastic although there might be a few surprises". My heart sank at the few surprises part.

We drove up outside of our house. I looked breathing taking. It was a big house in the middle of now where so it was safe for Anthony and Ella to grow up. "least we don't need to worry about getting shot on our front door step" Alan piped up from the back. " only you would say that out of all the things you could say" I snapped back at him. " here are he keys" my mum said handing me two large silver keys. " thank you" I said hugging her. I got out of the car and went to get Ella from her car seat. " why don't you go take a look inside ill get Ella" Alan piped up as he got out of the other side of the car. " alright ?" I said questionably. Is the few surprises that bad? I walked up the chestnut wood doors and turned the locked. What I saw in side was not the surprises I was expecting. I dropped the keys in my hands ran towards her " JADE!" I screamed. She opened both her arms and caught me as we both toppled over. "so glad I can be use as a fucking bean bag" she giggled. " what are you doing here I thought you didn't want to move?" I asked her. she paused for a few moments " do you honestly think id let you move back to Scotland with out me ?" I hugged her again squeezing tighter than ever. A raspy voice called from behind me " looks like our girls are back on there home turf " it was Austin. m and jade both got up. "Satan home boys" jade chuckled. " were back in hell so lets have some fun" I piped up. looks like our paths were that different. We were just back home but would home still be he hell it was before?

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