chapter 7 - Oh No You Didn't

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Chapter 7
Oh No You Didn't...

I woke up the next morning to see Alan facing me. "Good morning baby” followed by a kiss on the forehead. I managed to mumble “Are you exited for today?”. It was the start of Warped Tour 2015. “Of course I am… Who isn’t?”. I thought to myself…ehhh me. All the fangirls going mental over my Ally cat. I wonder how Jade felt about Austin… "What time is it?” I asked him he opened the curtain of the bunk . “AUSTIN?... AUSTIN ?… OI DISNEY PRINCESS?!”. You saw the curtain across from us move Austin and Jade popped their head out. “Oh if it isn’t the I love you gang... What do you want nickelodeon?” I saw Jade giggle to herself. “What time is It ?”. Austin checked his phone “ 7a.m. Time we got up” Austin got out of his bunk leaving Jade wrapped up in the covers. “Ehhhh where's your clothes missy?” I asked Jade. “You know, we got bored so banged out 40 kids last night” she replied sarcastically. “Funny" I mumbled back as Alan hopped out of the bunk and turned to catch me as he lifted me down. His bed head was so freeking sexy! I ran my hand through his hair and whispered “My Ally cat” and kissed his nose. He meowed back at me. He walked up to get Austin and the rest of the guys that were having a meeting in the main sitting area. Jade turned to me “Oi gonna help me down?” I laughed “Hunni if your man didn’t help you down what makes you think I would?” Jade scowled back at me. I went and sat in the lounge and looked out the window at everyone scurrying around getting everything ready. Jade joined me a few seconds later. “Jade?” I asked. She looked at me and sat next to me “Yes bitch?” I wait a few seconds before asking “How do you feel about the fangirls? I mean we used to be ones and then out of the blue we end up dating them. What's to say they don’t see some new talent today and go with them?” she thought about her answer as I sat with knees tucked up and my chin resting on them. “They wont be getting that close” I looked at her in confusion “I'm dating Austin right?” I nodded “ I will be protecting him like a hawk if any girl comes with in an inch of him I will eat her” I started to laugh. “Me and Austin heard you last might” I blushed and hid my face “He doesn't say that to any girl you know, you're all he ever talked about and when he found out you were coming he bent over backwards to get you here in the bus, do you know his manager gave him shit for being late to practice yesterday?” “He didn’t mention it yesterday at all if I knew that then I wouldn’t have..” Jade interrupted me “Hunni he did it so he could spend time with you. The splitting us up yesterday was so he could ask you out Austin and I was just a lucky bonus. I don’t think he would go off with another girl when he's been chasing you for a year”. The more Jade said the more I realised I was safe. He wouldn't go off with any other girl. “Have we got each others back. Incase I need some help sorting out some fan girls?” I asked. Jade laughed “Of course, I'm always up for eating some bitches,”.

Alan and Austin walked in half an hour later. They were dressed and ready. They looked so handsome and sexy. “We have an extra practice this morning and then it's interviews” Alan continued Austins sentence “And if you're okay I'd like to announce to our fans that this little Ally cat has a new kitty” I blushed and jumped up “YES YES YES!!!” I hugged Alan as he spun me round and kissed my cheek. “Jade.. That means you too” Austin said. Her face went bright red. “And because it's such a surprise you're due in hair and make up about... Now” Alan said cheerfully. Jade and I looked at each other in complete shock. Austin took Jades hand and said "C’mon we will take you, we need to head that way to practice." Alan took my hand and whispered “Are you sure your ready for this?”. Without even thinking I whispered back “Yes my Ally cat” and kissed him.

By the time hair and make up was finished with us, we looked stunning. Or as my girl said "Worthy of being the hottest news going." We made our way back to the van and looked at ourselves. My skin is normally whiter than snow but some how the girl has made it look human like and perfect winged liner and amazing false lashes! And nude lips! I was in love. Jade once again looked stunning but for once I matched her. We pulled out our cases and said "Right, what shall we wear?" I went for a skull rose muscle tee, light wash denim mini shorts and black vans with all my bracelets stacked up, a dead flower crown and my choaker. I was ready. I was in love with how big and curly my hair was. Jade went for the Austin look. Black mini shorts, Of Mice & Men top paired with an oversized red checked shirt that she stole off Austin and the same shoes. We told the guys would meet them at the main stage. Quickly before we left we sprayed ourselves with body splashes “Jade, you almost forgot your shades” I said as I throw hers at her. “Hangover ones today I'm guessing?” she laughed. I put them on and pouted saying "More issues than vogue love” As we walked out to get our boys.

After interview we were in, apparently we were one of the top story’s. Nearly every reporter loved the story of how we met. Their manager started to open up to us, after all more publicity for them. The concert was about to start. I asked Alan “When are you on?”  “Last thing” he replied. I smiled as he grabbed my hips and pulled me in close. "Means I can make your first Warped Tour extra special" he said as he lifted me up so that I could sit on his hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. We slowly started to snog. “Get a fucking room!” shouted Jade. We both stopped and laughed.

Alan stayed with me most of the concert as we listened to all of the bands. Their set was up soon so we got to stand at the main stage, right in the front row. The area around us started to get packed with all the people. They started to play as the atmosphere started to feel electric. Every so often Alan would look at me and wink. I got butterflies. Of course the inner fangirl came out as everything I tried to hold back exploded. They were on the last song that everyone was meant to mosh to. Austin stopped and made an announcement. “There are two people in this audience that Alan and I don’t want getting hurt… So could Rachael and Jade please come on to the stage” We both looked at each other and ran with our vip passes on show and hopped up on the stage. We both stood next to Austin one on each side. “You may not be in the mosh but girls, you're going to head bang like fuck up here … ARE WE READY!!” I scurried off to stand next to Alan who quickly kissed me as the crowed cheered.

After they had preformed there was a couple of girls that ran up to them Austin managed to escape... However Alan didn’t. One girl ran up to Alan and kissed his lips. He pushed her off of him and ran away. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THING YOUR DOING TO MY MAN!” I screamed at her “Your man! Bitch please you just wish” the sarcy bitch answered. I saw Jade out of the corner of my eye waiting to jump in as Alan and Austin watched. The crowd fell silent. “Hunni, his dick has been in my pussy! If you weren't acting like such a bitch I would have gave you the used tissue." The crowd went wild as Alan burst out laughing.

She went to grab my hair as Jade grabbed her wrist “Bitch you lay one mother fucking finger on her and I swear to god I will eat you”. “Like to see you try” the girl said sarcastically to Jade. “Try… Try! I'll show you trying Hunni!” Jade said as she bent the girls wrist backwards. “Now what do you say to my friend here?” “I'm sorry alright?!”. Jade let go of her wrist but pulled her hair so she fell to the ground and then she tightened her grip. “Never touch mine or my friends boyfriend or so help me god I will hunt you down like you were the last fucking peanut butter cup ever made!” Jade finally released her but she didn't think she had suffered enough. She turned and within a split second she had kicked her in the ribs. I looked over to Austin and Alan, their jaws were dropped. Especially Austins, who also looked slightly proud at the same time. Jade turned around after one final kick and calling her a "Fucking bitch" in the process. Jade looked at me as if what had just happened was a usual thing. I walked over locked arms with her and we walked over to get our mans.

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