Chapter 18- Glass Hearts

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My head was spinning as I woke up. "What the hell happened last night?" I asked Alan as I snuggled on to his chest. "I don't know, only thing I remember was us cleaning the bar out of shots!" I giggled then looked down at our feet. "Alan?... Why are we still fully clothed?". Before Alan could answer Austin and Jade pulled back the curtains. "Well, if it isn't the drunk piss head" Jade piped up from Austin's bunk. Alan looked at me with a face that said fuck, "How drunk were we?" I asked. "That drunk you couldn't walk and after Alan slugged up the stairs he fucked off to bed and left me to carry your ass up the stairs" I looked at Jade to see if what Austin said was true. She nodded. I turned to Alan. "First you knock me out and then you fuck off and leave me to try climb stairs, ginger bitch" Alan wrapped his arms around my waist and whimpered "I'm sorry". My heart melted. "Now get your fat hangover ass out of bed, we will be in the lounge". Jade laughed. I slipped out of the bunk and started taking my heels off. "I am really sorry babe" I looked up at Alan who was sticking his head out of the bunk. "I know" I whisered as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. I started to unzip my dress when Alan jumped out the bunk. "Here let me" he un zipped it for me and my dress fell to the floor. " Have I ever told you you look better with no clothes on?" he smirked. "Has any one ever told you how to punch?" I started laughing. "Pass up a top out of the cabinet will you?" I asked him "Here" he flung me his create music top "Just use that after all I've seen you eyeing it up for the past few days" . I smiled at him and slipped on a pair of shorts. I walked over to him and kissed his soft lips "Thank you" I mumbled. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked into his chocolate brown eyes that made my insides melt. "I love you, you know?" he whispered. I blushed "Yes, I do, cause I love you too". I reached for my hangover glasses. "Let's go join these two shall we?".

We waddled through to the lounge to see Jade and Austin playing cod. I reached straight for the blind to make it darker. "What time is it?" Alan asked Austin "Half 12, we have a meeting at 3 to talk about the next stop. Apparently they want us to play on main stage" Alans eyes winded "Main stage? That's huge!" Austin nodded. I slipped down on to the sofa and curled up in the corner. This was the worst hang over I have had in a while. Alan come to join me. He sat with his arms around me, holding me close. He didn't seem to be hungover. "How are you guys not hung over?" I asked the group "Because Rachael, unlike you I take time with my drinks and don't down large ones" Jade piped up "What do you mean?" I aksed her. She paused the game and turned to me. "Rach, as soon as Austin got you all drinks and sat down you were finished yours and were already drinking mine" my face went bright red. "You took Jade up on to the dance floor and started grinding on her" Alan looked at Austin "I remember that part vaguely" Austin mentioned. "What else did I do?" I asked Jade. " Right where to start, you and Alan were pissing your self laughing over what if the glass was shaped like a dick or the ice." I looked at Alan whos cheeks resembled mine by now. "Also, in the taxi home you went to kiss Alan but missed him and you were snogging the taxi drivers seat," I felt disgusted at that and started wiping my lips. "At one point you completely forgot Austins name! You called him the tall one" I sunk my head in my hands. "Please dear god stop" I mumbled. "Safe to say you're a light weight" Austin piped up. "I need some water" I said as I stood up, "I feel kinda faint". I started walking down the bunks to the little sink. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. "Feeling rough are we?" Aaron asked. "Understatement of the year" Tino said. "It was fun but I'm just a light weight" I said with a slight giggle. "Some one that's lighter than Alan! Match made in heaven" Phil pointed out. We all started laughing. "I'm going to go stand out side for 5. I feel slightly ill" I walked past them and opened the door. I sat on the last step to get into the bus. I rested my head on my knees and closed my eyes.

"Can I speak to Austin Carlile please?" this horrible squeaky voice said. "No visitors you shouldn't be in here" I mumbled. "Aww cute, but see I'm his wife" at that moment my head snapped up from my lap. "What?! Gielle?". She was right in front of me. I jamp up from where I was sitting "Umm you sta.." before I could finnish the bitch interrupted me "And who might you be sweetie? Alans new twinky?". At that moment Aaron popped his head out of the door to see who I was talking to "GIELLE?!!" he shouted. Before we knew it every one as out side. I knew Jade was fuming. I whispered to Alan "What the hell is she doing here I thought they were over?" Alans face looked puzzled. "They are but I think Gielle thinks she can get him back any time she wants". I saw Jade growling at her. She was standing right next to Austin, holding his hand and you could tell she wasn't for letting go, "Why don't we take this on to the bus?" Austin suggested as they were gathering a crowed near the bus. Austin, Jade and Gielle all climbed in to the bus. "If she is trying to get Austin back she wont get out there alive" I said to the rest who were left out here with me and Alan. "How?" asked Aaron "Jade's very protective and this is the first time I've ever seen her this madly in love, she doesn't ever look at food they way she looks at Austin and she loves her food." The guys giggled. I kept thinking about what Gielle said "His new twinky". There was a girl standing. Very pretty, skinny, looked a little like me only she had light pink hair and no nose piercing. I noticed she had caught Alans smile. But not just any smile, it was the same smile he gave me when I first met him in Glasgow. I was going to say something but all we could here was Jade shouting "You bitch!". I started to run for the door. "Where are you going?" asked Alan. "If I don't go in Gielle will die and last thing I want is Jade in jail for murder" "Want me to help?" I growled back at him "No! Aaron, Tino and Phil make sure he doesn't get distracted by the eye candy over there". They all turned to look at her as I open the bus door.

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