Chapter 8🧡

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"Who was that girl?"

Zyon heard when he closed the door. He turned around and saw A'donte. Zyon shakes his head as for nobody and tries to walk past him upstairs. A'donte grabs him by the arms and pulls him back in front of him.

"Don't make me tell dad. Who was that girl Zyon?" A'donte asks.

Zyon grabs his phone and goes to his notes and types in:
'My class partners sister offered to take me home. Father knows about me working on my project.'

"Oh ight. I ain't gone say nun now get the fuck out my face." A'donte says then walks into the kitchen.

Zyon goes to his parents room to show them he has arrived and then heads to his room. He threw his used clothes into the hamper and then grab his bag he's gotten from Eliza's parents then heads to his hide out.

He pulls out whatever was in the bag and saw a Tupperware bowl of food in it. It was steaming hot. Then he saw a whole bunch of snacks and foods he could keep in the room without putting it into the freezer or fridge.

He grabbed the food and started eating. He didn't know when his next big meal was but he was really thankful for it. He was going to make sure it lasts.

After he was done eating he left out of the hideout and allayed on his bed. He thought about how he didn't get to tell Eliza bye, so he decided to text her.

To Eliza😝
I'm sorry I didn't hug you bye before leaving.

To Zyonnn💚
It's fine Z I understand. My parents said did you enjoy the food?

To Eliza😝
It's not fine it was really disrespectful and I'm sorry. Tell them it was really delicious.

To Zyonnn💚
It's okay Z really. I'm still you're bestie don't be upset with yourself.

To Eliza😝
Okay I won't. What are you doing?

To Zyonnn💚
Watching a movie with my parents and siblings. Wyd?

To Eliza😝
Bored and I'm texting you.

To Zyonnn💚
Wanna ft?
Read 7:50

"I heard a girl had dropped yo ass off." Zyon heard his father say.

Zyon looks at his father and nods his head.

"Donte said y'all kissed? Is that true? You lied to me about where you was going."

Zyon shakes his head no. His own brother lied on him.

"He did dad. He's lying." He heard A'donte say from the hallway.

"Ight donte. Where's yo mother at donte?"

"She went to get some groceries. I'm bout to head out my girl here. Jassy said she'll be home later on tonight."

"Ight bye." Their father says then A'donte closes the door then rushes to his girlfriend.

Nobody was home and it was just them two. His father takes out the box and then takes off his belt.

"Why the fuck you lie to me boy." He says then hits Zyon repeatedly on his body with the belt.

Zyon throws up his food that he had eaten 30 minutes prior to this incident. His father grabs his body and slings him onto the bed and lays him on his belly. He rips his pants and underwear off and then forcefully ties him down. He wished God didn't put him on this earth just to get raped, abused, and bullied. It wasn't just one parent who raped him but both of his parents.

While his father raped and molested him he thought of Eliza. Eliza was his happy thoughts. He thought of all the trips they'd take when he graduates. How he'd be loved my her parents. He tried to picture her life as his with his parents but the thought of him just bring disgust. He thought of a new family and he thought of the joy he wish he had.

One day somebody was going to save him and he wished it'd happen sooner before he decided he's tired of life and he just ends it all.

Zyon passes out while this was happening Eliza was worried about Zyon. He left her on read and he doesn't do that unless they decide to go to sleep.

"Eliza he's probably fine. He's probably doing something with his family now too." Her mother says with the hope that's it's good.

"This just isn't him mom. First he rushes out of the car really quickly and now he's ignoring me. I FaceTimed him 4 times already." Eliza says.

"He's fine Liza I'm sure of it. He probably fell asleep while replying or like your mother said he's probably doing something with or for the family." Her step dad says.

"No y'all don't understand. I walked into my room to get something for the movie room and I heard him flat out crying. When I came back I had to hug him. There's no way he's fine." Eliza says as tears came out. (Ever just get a bad feeling and the next day something bad really did happen. That's her right now)

"We can't just do anything without any proof Eliza and you know that. Until he comes to us we can't do anything. He hasn't given us reason to force us to call cps or the cops." Her step dad says.

"This is ridiculous." Eliza walks off crying. Eliza was just going to wait until they go to school.


Eliza left her house early to catch Zyon but he wasn't out walking. She drove to get them Starbucks Frappuccinos and donuts from Dunkin Doughnuts. She arrived at school and saw him shaking while waiting for the doors to open.

"Hey bestie." She says but regrets it when she saw his face.

Zyon shakes his head and one tear slips out but he quickly wipes it.

"Are you okay?" She asks then sits the stuff down. She carefully grabs him to hug him.

"It's going to be okay Z. I promise I'll be here for you throughout everything. I brought some food and I got us a drink."

Zyon grabs the drink and tries it. He thought it tasted really good and you could see the enjoyment.

"Is this your first time trying a frappe? If you really enjoy that I can't wait until you try boba. Boba is my favorite drink of all time. Maybe I can get my dad to bring some during lunch or we can go to a boba place for lunch. Oh yeah my mother and dad both agreed since I get lunch money from them you would too. They see you as their son now." Eliza says.

Zyon was really grateful and when he succeeded in life he'd do any and everything for them.

You ever just write a chapter and just get all fuzzy inside. I feel like I'm watching a movie or this is happening in real like and it makes me sick. Like I'm upset af cuz this happens to not only girls but to boys too and that's not okay🤦🏽‍♀️ ~Anna🧡

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