Chapter 23🧡

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Narrator POV (Different perspectives)

"Liza? Baby? It's time for school." Eliza's mother says.

"Yes ma'am" Eliza says.

"I made breakfast."

"I'm not hungry."

"Baby you gotta eat. You've barely eaten."

"I'm fine mom."

"So Eliza hasn't heard from Zyon either?" Joshua asks Justin.

"Nope all she's been doing is crying." Justin says.

"I'm about to start getting paranoid. Imma check on him in a minute let me text his mother."

"Ight I'll see you later."

"Okay bye."


They hangs up and he texts Zyon's mother.

'Hey I'm coming over to check on Z. I'm bringing his mmm some food can you let him know?'

'I'll let him know.'

'Ight see y'all in a min.'

"You better act like you Ight boy. Put this on to hide yo bruises." Richard says.

"Here imma fix your face a bit." His mother says and covers his face bruises with makeup.

They help the boy get dressed and have him sit in the living room. He is loosing so much weight. It's been almost a week since he saw anyone other than his parents aka his mom and step father.

The bell rung and his mother opens the door. Josh walks into the house and sits next to Zyon.

"Hey son I got you some food." Joshua says and examines his son.

Zyon smiles and eats his food.

"I know you texted me and all but I just wanted to see you. I see you're doing okay. I have a question why did you break up with Eliza?"

Zyon looks down at the ground.

"I was just wondering because she hasn't been eating and she doesn't want to do anything. Her mom told me that you broke a promise or something that y'all had discussed the night before."

Zyon holds his had up to show the ring.

"Ahhh I see. If you wear it why did y'all break up?"

Zyon didn't have his phone but there was a white board and he grabbed it.

'I just felt like I wasn't good enough for her. I want her to see she can do better.'

"Y'all obviously love each other. It doesn't matter what baggage you carry because everyone has that. What really matters is how you present yourself. You don't have to get with her again but just talk to her. You got her in a bad position Z."

'Yes sir.'

"Good. I have to go back to work. I'll come by later. I love you."


Josh walks to where Zyon's mother was and talks to her.

"Imma probably be back to see him the day after tomorrow."

"Okay that's fine have a nice day."

"Mmmm you too."

After that being said Joshua leaves and Richard comes down the stairs.

"Come on boy. Time to go back in yo fucking room."

"He seemed fine babe. It just doesn't make sense why he cut off Eliza. He still wears the ring she wears."  Joshua tells his wife.

"He probably just needs time to himself. You never know babe. If you say he seems fine then he must be fine." Sariah says.


Zyon was getting hit on because his mother pissed off his step father. He decided to take it out on him. When he finished Zyon laid there. He just wanted to leave. The amount of abuse between time periods were bad on him and his body. He felt like his bottom was on another level of pain.

He heard his step father leaving the house. His mother left after his step father kicked her out. This the first time they left and nobody was home.

He searched for the phone his father bought him and a charger to go with it. It was dead so he couldn't call anyone and the other phone his parents took it. The stuff he got for Christmas he was glad he didn't take it with him. He looks around the basement to see how he could get out.

Being weak would be his worse friend at the moment. His ribs hurt and he was in pain everywhere. He saw a window that he didn't remember seeing at first in the back of the basement. It was really dark back there but he still decided to go there. He didn't have to worry about breaking it because it was a window he was able to unlock.

Eliza was home alone due to a charity her step father was hosting in Dallas. They weren't going to be home until the next day. The twins wanted to go to their grandmas so that's where they were at.

She was watching a movie in her room when she heard the doorbell. It had to have been 9 at night. She walks downstairs and see's Zyon at her door but what she didn't understand was why he was covered in bruises.

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