Chapter 10🧡

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PLEASE READ what I said down below after reading this chapter. Thank you🧡

A few months later (Thanksgiving day)

"I called y'all down here to look presentable when Christian, Elaine, and most of our family comes over for Thanksgiving. Zyon you should not come out your room to eat with us. If you want you can go ahead and leave out the door or go upstairs now before anybody shows up." Richard says.

"No don't tell him that. The family is going to know we don't include him in anything." Kristi says.

"They don't gotta know. We can just say he went out to that girls house that he lied to us about."

"That's not fair to him though. This is the first time in a while the family seen us."

"Mom dad's right. Nobody will care that he's gone and this isn't the first time we had dinner without him. We do it all the time." A'donte butts in.

"We're not talking to you A'donte so butt out of this. This isn't fair to Zyon. He has the right to be around family today."

"No the fuck he doesn't. Not around my family he doesn't. Zyon you either leave or go to your room you chose. If you leave don't come back until I ask yo ass to come back."

Zyon was hurt and angry. His fathers side of the family has barely met him ever since he was born. His siblings always went to visit their cousins, got gifts, and family love in general. They knew about Zyon but never really made an effort to get to know him.

'Yes sir.' Zyon wrote then went upstairs to his room. He hid in his hideout and cried for what felt like hours.

Ring ring ring

"Bestie happy thanksgiving. Wait have you been crying what's wrong?" Eliza asks.

Asking what was wrong made him cry again. He hated crying in front of Eliza because it made him look weak and fragile.

"Is that my baby Zyon?" He heard Eliza's mother Michelle ask. He knew she heard him crying and that made his situation worse.

"Are you having thanksgiving with your family because if not I'll come and get you right now." Michelle says.

Zyon shook his head no as in they aren't having thanksgiving.

"I'm going to have Eliza guide me to your house. I'm coming right now."

Zyon nodded his head okay and they hung up. Even though that wasn't his family he was happy people wanted to spend time with him.

Zyon goes downstairs to find his other siblings talking to his parents.

"What boy?"

Zyon grabs his board and writes 'Sir may I leave.'

"I don't care. Pack you some clothes while you at it."

'Yes sir.'

"Wipe yo fucking eyes before I give you something to cry about. This isn't the first time Zyon get used to it. You don't eat at the table with us on a regular day so why be upset about thanksgiving. Get over it."

'Yes sir.' Zyon wrote and wipe his tears. He walks up the stairs to go pack.

"Why do you constantly do this to him? He didn't do anything to you. I was the problem not him. Stop punishing him for something I did. It's just one night why can't he stay?" Kristi asks.

"Don't start with me today Kristi. Now all of a sudden you care about that boy. You're just as bad as me when he's in trouble. We both punish him."

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