Chapter 20🧡

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"Babes this is some what like your phone but more updates. Do you still want me to show you or you got it?" After making sure his iCloud and pictures were on there.

He places it in her hand indicating he still wants her help.

"Okay so this is ios14 and you can make your background different. You want to change it?"

Zyon nods his head as in a yes.

"Okay I know you love anime so we'll do that."

He grabs his phone and goes to the notes and says he wants one of her. Also that his lock screen be her and him together.

"Really? Okay well since it's color coded. I'll pick a Picture of me.

(This is my screen I just edited the little apps so they didn't have girl devils on them and I edited it so Elizas face was on it

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(This is my screen I just edited the little apps so they didn't have girl devils on them and I edited it so Elizas face was on it.)

When they were finished Zyon grabs his phone and types in thank you.

"You're welcome babes. This is sooo cute I'm going to do mine like that just not anime just us together and you."

Zyon nods his head and kisses her. They break apart and Zyon lays down.

"Are you ready for Christmas?"

Zyon shrugs. Christmas doesn't excite him.

"Why not?"

Zyon grabs his phone and types. 'Never really liked Christmas or any family holidays.'

"That's okay. I promise you'll love this one and I'll make sure of it."

Zyon shrugs. He didn't think so, so he didn't really believe it.

"Are you tired?"

Zyon nods.

"Sit up."

Zyon gets up and Eliza positions herself to were he can lay on her. She touches his face a bit and his hair until he falls asleep. Eliza grabs her phone and takes a picture of him. To her he slept beautifully until he had his nightmares.

Eliza got up to move and go downstairs with the adults after 30 minutes of sitting there to make sure he was asleep.

"Where's Zyon?" Josh asks.

"He's upstairs sleeping. He was tired."

"He has to eat soon give it like 30 more minutes and then wake him up." Her aunt says.

"Yes ma'am."

"Did you help him with his phone?" Josh asks.

"I did. He didn't need much help but I did help him a little."

"That's good."

"How was Zyon today?" Eliza asks.

"He loved it. He caught on to everything quickly. I have a feeling he might take over when I retire."

"Sounds cool."

"So let's have a girls talk." Elizas mother says.

"Is that your way of making me leave?" Josh asks.

"Yes yes it is." Elizas aunt says.

"Fine I have some work to do anyways."

"My baby has a boyfriend?" Michelle says.


"You should've told me. Actually I should've known because y'all were getting really close."

"Mom it's not that serious. Me and Zyon are really just best friends."

"Sure. I know a couple when I see one. I heard you calling him babes before I just wanted to confirm it."


"What? Okay I'm sorry for wanting to check up on my baby's love life."

"Fine. I like him."

"We all knew that sweetheart. I want to know if y'all date."


"Fine I'm done."

"Thank you. We are only friends. Best friends."

"Okay I understand. Y'all would me cute though."

"I agree y'all would be cute. Also can you wake him up." Her aunt says.

"Justin just texted me and said he was outside." Michelle says.


"Can you believe it Christmas is in two days."

Zyon shrugs his shoulders. His family has been blowing him up with insults. Bragging about where they're going for Christmas. Talking about how he would never experience what they have and how he would never be loved like their kids.

"Zyon don't be like that. I really want to enjoy Christmas Day with you but I have a feeling you won't enjoy it with me."

Eliza was upset because this was the time to enjoy family time and appreciate other's. Zyon didn't want to enjoy anything with her and it was upsetting. He had fun one time in a while and that was at Dave n Busters.

Zyon wanted to say why he wasn't feeling it but he knew he couldn't. He sucked up his pride and gave into her. He didn't like hurting her or lying to her. He grabbed his phone and wrote.

'I promise to be excited on Christmas Eve and Day. No negativity I promise.'

"Pinky promise."

Zyon hold up his pinky and they pinky promise. Eliza kisses him and then lays on his chest.

"I'm so excited for you to see what I got you. I know you'll love it. I can't wait. To me just like thanksgiving Christmas is a time to appreciate others love. You be there for people in need or your friends and family. It's not always about gifts to me it's about the people you surround yourself with and God. It's Gods holiday and I love that day."

Zyon loved that when Elisa's passionate about something she sticks to her words. Another reason he loves her but doesn't know how to show his love. Nobody's ever done it for him.

Short chapter but Christmas chapter next chapter.

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