Chapter 4🧡

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Eliza had woken up before Zyon did. It was about 5 in the morning. She was hurting when she had gotten up but seeing Zyon on the phone still made her a bit happy. She decided not to hang up and started to get her stuff to shower.

Zyon on the other hand heard his alarm go off and got up to stretch. He noticed that Eliza wasn't in the camera anymore so he assumed that she was up. He left his phone in the secret hideout room and went to go get dressed. He usually leaves before 6 to walk to school. School started at 8:15 but his parents were usually up by 6:30 or before to get dressed and to eat. Plus the walk there it took a minute because of far he had to walk.

He would eat breakfast but his parents would be mad that he ate something of theirs and he wasn't going to speak anytime soon to ask who's is what. One time he was so hungry from not eating he decided to finally eat something. He decided to make some noodles but the noodles that he touched were his sister Jasmine's. He didn't know or thought to try to ask his parents before eating them. When she decided to go downstairs she saw him eating them and threw a fit.

When his parents got home they noticed him in the corner crying, food on the floor, and Jasmine throwing stuff at him.


"The fuck is going on Jasmine!" His father yelled.

"He ate my food daddy. I thought he wasn't allowed to eat until he learned how to ask for food. That's not fair, that was the last Chinese noodles that they had in the store." Jasmine complained.

"Zyon what did we fucking tell you about that. You're not allowed to touch anything in this house without permission. Apologize to your sister now or your punishment will be worse." His father says.

Knowing Zyon wasn't going to talk or was able to talk his father was satisfied. His punishments consisted both his parents. They got two things out of his worse punishments. Those were sexual and physical punishments. Zyon's father grabbed him by the legs and dragged the boy to his room. His mother stayed back a bit to help Jasmine clean the mess up. While the mom was helping Jasmine she had a few words for her.

"Jasmine it was never that serious and you know it. He doesn't know and now you've gotten him in trouble."

"But mom h-"

"But mom nothing. I should whoop you, hurry up and clean this mess and go upstairs." Her mother says then heads to Zyon's room.

Yes she loved her son, maybe a little too much. She knew what they do to him was wrong but it fulfilled her needs that her husband wasn't giving her. When she saw her husband touch Zyon as he was a kid she was pissed. They fought for hours behind Zyon but compared to her husband he won. He beat her badly that day and she still had no say in anything about Zyon to this day. He put her onto messing with their son.

At first she didn't enjoy it but as she compared it to her husband's sex she couldn't help but to enjoy it. It was sickening but to her after a while it turned into her sickening way of loving her son. She walked into the room and saw her husband beating her son.

"You ready?" Her husband asks her.

"Yea." She replies then grabs the "special box".

They grab the boys arms and used rope to tie him so they can have him all kinds of different ways. Zyon was weak but that didn't stop him from fighting his parents back. He hated them and he wished they would die or he would just die.

His mother was off to the side of them pleasuring herself but his father? Well was forcing himself into the boy. The pain was unbearable and all he could think of was why did he have to get punished like this. He didn't deserve this treatment, nobody deserved what he was going through. In the mist of it he passed out and his parents had their way with his limp body.

After that day he hasn't really ate anything he would let his hunger surpass or he'd find something but never ate in his home. That obviously didn't stop them from doing what they do to him though.

End of flashback:

After he was done getting dressed and grabbing his stuff he noticed it was 5:50. He went into the room to grab his phone,charger, and headphones. He put his phone on mute until he got out of his house and drive way.

"Hey! Why are you leaving your house so early?" He heard Eliza ask him.

He typed in 'Because I always to this to make sure my walk to school is on time and I won't be late'

"Zyon it's still dark out. I'm coming to get you. Where are you at right now?" Eliza said concerned.

He wasn't used to anyone being concerned about him. "I'm fine really." He states.

"Anything could happen to you. Where are you?"

'In front of the corner store on bloves St.' (Made up street name. This book is based in Houston Tx btw but I'm not going to be using actual street names.)

"Okay here I come so stay there." She said then she grabbed her keys. He waited about 10 minutes before she got there to him.

"Hi." She says as he gets into her car. He waves and smiles at her.

"So we have a lot of time still left over and I wanted to know if you wanted to get breakfast with me at McDonald's?" She questioned. She looked at him and his face held a weird expression. He wanted to say yes but not having money and having the feeling that he's using her really got to him.

"I have a feeling I know what you are thinking. Don't feel that way Zyon. I would never feel like you're using me or anything because you're not. I brought it up to you so I'll pay for it." She said. She had a feeling that he held onto so many secrets and she wasn't going to force him to talk either until he was ready.

Right before she said anything about him walking in the dark, her parents had just woken up and called her into their room. They asked her about Zyon and she told them truthfully that she wanted to be his friend and that she wanted to get to know him. Also she had told them that she felt he carried a lot of secrets. She felt he was deep down inside hurting and he needed someone there for him and she was that person.

She noticed it yesterday when they were talking. Both her parents loved that she found a friend and they knew that Eliza wasn't going to give up on Zyon by the way she spoke of him. Not on anything funny but Eliza felt like Zyon wasn't getting properly taken cared of by the way he dressed, walked, and on top of that he was walking in the dark just to get to school on time.

She saw the way he'd act during school before she became friends with him. When people picked on him, he'd jump or end up crying scared. She saw how he was in pain on some days and when it was really hot out he'd still be wearing a hoodie and last year during PE the coach tried to get him to take off his hoodie but Zyon wasn't going for it.

She pulled up to McDonald's and looked at Zyon after she parked.

"Zyon I know we just became friends but honestly I feel like we're going to be close. I don't want you to think I'm going to ever throw anything back into your face because I'm not. I want to do things because I want to do it. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable just tell me and I'll stop what I'm doing."

Zyon grabs his phone and open his notes. 'Okay and I appreciate your help and everything.'

That made Eliza smile wide. "Okay now what do you want to eat? It can be anything on this menu."

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