Chapter 12🧡

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"Okay Okay I'm going to be a hundred percent honest with you but I think I-

"I like you. It's okay if you don't like me back but I just wanted to get it out."

Zyon was shocked and it caused him to sit up. Eliza follows right after and turns on the lights.

'You're serious?' Zyon writes.

"Yes." Eliza says then puts her head down.

They've known each other since August and it was now November. The whole four months her feelings grew stronger. To say Zyon didn't feel the same way was an understatement.

'Since we're being honest I think I like you too.'


Zyon nods then writes.
'I just feel like I'm not meant to be loved though. I honestly feel like I will end up hurting you and I don't want that.'

"You're not. I know what I was getting into before I said anything to you. Don't say that again because you were brought into this world to be loved by somebody. Everyone needs love."

'I just don't want to hurt you.'

"I promise you that you aren't. Everyone goes through something you just need to right people to help you over come them. You don't have to forced into a relationship with me. I just wanted you to know."

'Ummm have you ever wondered what your first kiss would be like?' Zyon writes.

"Honestly I just want it to be with someone I truly care about and wouldn't regret it. What about you?"

Zyon thought about it. His first kiss wasn't with who he wanted. Why would he tell Eliza his first kiss was his father. Would that even be considered a first kiss since he didn't want it?

'I don't know honestly. I want it with someone who'd love me for me and never judge me.'

"Ummm don't laugh but do you want to ummm never mind forget it."

'You want me to be your first kiss?' Zyon asks confused.

"Ummm I-"

They looked at each other face to face. Confused on what to do. Eliza wanted him to be her first kiss but imagine asking for one. She kind of regretted saying anything to him because now she felt shy and awkward.

Zyon knew what she wanted but he was terrified. He didn't want his feelings to fully come out due to the fact if anything was to keep happening to him he'd end it all in seconds when he's had enough. He wanted to kiss her too.

What it was like to kiss someone willingly without force. Zyon seen couples do it all the time on YouTube when he watched videos. He decides to make the first move instead of waiting on Eliza.

Zyon puts his hand on the sides of her face, using his thumb to sweep across the cheekbone. (Don't judge me I did look this up on wikihow💀 I really don't like kissing people but I have done it before I just can't describe it well cuz it's always awkward to me.)

He leans in closer to her face and Eliza follows him and leans in too. They naturally let what ever happens take over. First it was a peck but then they were fully kissing. It wasn't the wet sloppy stuff most people are used to when they make out it felt natural.

Little to no tongue, eyes closed, and to each other their lips felt soft. They finally break apart and Eliza blushes.

'Was it bad?' Zyon writes.

"No I- I enjoyed it."

'That's good I did too.'

"I thought I would've been bad at it."

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