Chapter 5🧡

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Days later

Eliza was excited because she wanted Zyon to really meet her parents. He hasn't really gave her an answer but she had a feeling he was going to come over.

Zyon on the other hand was wondering how would he ask his parents to let him go to Eliza's house. Both his parents were in there rooms so he decided to grab the dry erase board that his mother had hanging up for him to use. He doesn't use it a lot because his father tries to make him talk to them physically. He knocks on the door and hears a come in.

"What do you want boy?" His father says.

"He writes on the board 'Can I please go to a school partners house?"

"For what Zyon?" His father says.

'We have a history project due and they were wondering if I could go over there today to do it' he wrote. He was nervous because the outcome could be bad.

"Babe let him go. We can have the house to ourselves since A'Donte and Jasmine is gone." His mother says.

"Ight you can go but don't come back tonight I really don't wanna see yo face later on tonight. Just let us know when you fucking leave Zyon because if you don't I will punish you when you get back for even asking to go somewhere." His father states.

'Yes sir." He wrote them leaves out of the room. He was happy that they were letting him leave to be honest. If he would've know they'd let him leave over a "school assignment" He would've been left. He grabs his phone and texted Eliza.

To Eliza😝:
'My dad said I can go to your house.'

To Zyonnn💚:
'Okay cool I'm coming to get you now. My parents said if it gets really late you can stay the night.'

He was happy that they said that because he didn't know where he was going to go.

To Eliza😝:
'Okay well I'm going to pack something for tonight just incase I do stay.'

To Zyonnn💚:
'Hopefully you do I have a lot for us to do together. I'm on my way!!'

Zyon smiled at his phone and grabbed a backpack to put his clothes, toothbrush, wash cloths, deodorant, and charger/headphones in. He waited patiently for her to get there and he received a texted saying she was outside. He walked into his parents room and waved bye to them. His father was mad but what can he do because he wanted his wife tonight alone and if Zyon started failing in his classes he'd beat him.

"Hiiii Z." Eliza says then drives off after he gets into the car. He looks at her and waves.

"Don't be nervous when we get there. Also to make you feel comfortable I got you a white board so you don't have to constantly text and I have to repeat it back to my parents. They just want to meet you because you're the first friend I've made and I feel like me and you will be around each other a lot more and my parents were going to want to meet you eventually."

He nods his head after she said that.

"Also it'll be fun if we have cool sleepovers don't you think?"

Zyon thought about it and it probably would be cool since he's never really hung out with anybody. Even when he had "friends" he still wasn't allowed to spend the night with them. He nodded his head again and Eliza was happy on the inside. When they arrived at her house they got out and Zyon thought it was really pretty.

 When they arrived at her house they got out and Zyon thought it was really pretty

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(Eliza's House above^)

Her house was way bigger than his. He felt Eliza grab his hand and he blushed. His stomach started to play with him. It felt like he had butterflies. He lead him into the house and into the living room where her parents were.

"Mom and dad this is Zyon. Zyon this is my mom and my step dad." Eliza says. Zyon waves at them. They didn't take it to any offense because they know about his situation.

"Hello Zyon it's nice to meet you. We heard so much about you." Her mother says first.

"Hello son. It's nice to meet you." Her father says then shakes his hand.

"The food is done. Just follow us into the dining room and then we can get settled down." The mother says then leads them there.

The table was decorated nicely and the food was set up so everyone can make their plates. Before Eliza sat down she rushed to go get the Board and the marker/eraser.

"So Zyon how old are you?" The mother asks.

'I'm 17 years old.' He wrote.

"That's good. How do you like being friends with my daughter?" Her father asks.

'I like being her friend. She didn't judge me based on how I am or my looks. She makes me feel comfortable.' He wrote.

"Awww that's so cute. I really hope y'all never stop being friends y'all are just too cute. I really like the fact y'all are slowly becoming close because you're all Eliza talks about." Eliza mother says. Zyon looks at Eliza and she blushed.

"Mom please. They're not bad things by the way Zyon." Eliza says.

"I'm sorry. They aren't bad Zyon they're actually really good things. That child is never gonna let yall's friendship go by the way." Her mother states. Zyon laughed at that. Eliza was shocked he actually laughed. It wasn't a big laugh it was small that you could barely notice it.

"So Zyon we wanted to meet you to see what our daughter see's in you and I can see it. With us you can talk, come over anytime you want. You're not a bad guy and I like you." Her father says.

'Okay and thank you' Zyon writes.

"Oh yea you can stay the night if you want. We had set up the movie room so y'all can stay up and watch movies or play games and eat snacks. If y'all get hungry again Eliza knows how to cook so she'll make y'all something. I don't know really I just helped Eliza has everything planned out." Her mother says. Zyon nods his head and finishes eating.

"Would you like more son? The more the merrier don't be afraid to eat around here." Her father says. Zyon smiles at him and goes for more.

Eliza liked that he was eating. He was skinny but not healthy skinny and she was glad he was going for more food. Her mother thought it was really cute how Eliza looked at Zyon and she had a feeling that they were going to be more than friends eventually. As for her father he was observing Zyon. He's been around people like him so he knows he was going through a lot by body language. He was glad Eliza found someone she can help unknowingly and could possibly save him from his battles.

Due to Eliza's step dad always helping people he can see when a person was hurting inside, mentally, and physically and he was going to make sure Zyon got the help he eventually needed.

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