Chapter 18🧡

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"Zyon?" Eliza asks during the night.

It had to have been 2 in the morning. Joshua and Sariah were asleep and Eliza was asleep but she woken up to a lot of movement.

"Z?" She questioned again.

She turned on the lamp near her and saw him having a bad dream. It looked like he was trying to fight someone off of him but he looked like he was struggling to do so.

"Zyon it's okay." Eliza says as she caresses his face.

She grabs his right arm that was about to react to her touch. She tries to wake him up so he could calm down and to let him know he was alright.

"Zyon wake up babes. You'll be fine."

She lightly shakes him as he started to calm down a bit. Zyon opens eyes and looks at Eliza.

"What happened in your dream? You can talk about it." Eliza says.

Zyon shakes his head as he meant nothing.

"It can't be nothing. I know you have bad dreams almost every night and I want to know and maybe I can help your bad dreams go away."

Zyon grabs his phone and types in.
"It's nothing really it's just dreams. Everyone gets bad dreams."

"I understand but I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"Okay." Eliza says then turns over to lay down.

She was more mad than upset because he was always shutting her out. One moment he'll let her be there for him but when she asks what's wrong he shuts her down. Zyon knew she was upset but he didn't try to explain himself so he laid back down. Eliza turned the lights off and they both laid in the dark wide awake.

It was about 8 in the morning when Eliza wakes up and brushes her teeth. Afterwards she walks into the kitchen to see Sariah in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Good morning." Eliza says.

"Good morning my love. I'm making breakfast could you wake up Josh and Zyon. Josh has to go to work at 10 so I need him to get up and get ready."

"Yes ma'am."

Eliza goes back upstairs to wake up Joshua. She didn't want to wake up Zyon cuz she was still upset but she decided to do it anyway.

"Zyon wake up breakfast is ready."

She shook him a few times and he opened his eyes to look at her.

"Aunt Sariah said to come downstairs to eat, breakfast is ready." Eliza says about to walk away but Zyon grabs her arm.

"Yes?" Eliza says once she stood between his legs.

Zyon grabs her waist and hugs her. She didn't hug him back so he grabs his phone and apologizes for not opening up to her. Eliza knew he was gonna do it all over again but she didn't get mad she forgave him.

"Come on we have to go eat." Eliza says dragging him to the kitchen.

"Zyon would you like to spend time with me at my job? You don't have to go but I was asking because you said you might want to work in that field."

He grabs his phone and types 'I want to go to see what it's like. Do I have to wear professional stuff?"

"I have an outfit you can wear. Finish eating and I'll go get it and you can get ready."

'Okay cool.' Zyon was excited to see what it would be like to own a business.

A little kid was currently in his mind because he never got experiences on what other job courses would be like. When he was in middle school they had a field trip that took them to see different jobs they could choose from when they got older. His father didn't want to pay for him to go so he never really got to see what different business they had out there and how they worked.

Joshua had wrote a whole list of what he wanted Zyon to have for Christmas while they were at his job working. Sariah and Eliza agreed to go and get the things and wrap and hide them from Zyon as soon as the boys left the house.

Zyon and Joshua go upstairs to get dressed and the girls stayed back to clean up. It was a routine for Sariah every morning. She never complains though.

Eliza was done helping Sariah and walks upstairs to Zyon's new room. Zyon was just getting out of the shower when Eliza walks in. She grabs some clothes that's she's gonna wear today and sets them on the bed then waits for Zyon to come out. When he finally came out Eliza looks up at him.

"You look handsome Z."

He grabs his phone and says "Thank you."

"Are you excited?"

"Yes I can't wait."

"That's good. I hope you have a good day."

"I hope I really enjoy this because I might take over when I get older."

"I hope so too and if not you'll be good at anything."

"Zyon you ready?"

Zyon nods his head yes towards Eliza.

"He's ready." Eliza says.


"Babes good luck."

Zyon grabs her hand and she stands up and he kisses her a couples of times on the lips. They both head downstairs and say bye to each other.

"Go get ready love. We have to find these things."

"Yes ma'am.

"So you and Zyon?"

"What about us?"

"I just want to know how are y'all."

"Oh we're fine. He's my best friend and I wouldn't change for the world. I might love him but I'm probably too young to know."

"No you're not. You can love anybody. You're aloud to love your significant other at any age. You know you love someone when you can not stand to loose them, always thinking of them, would do anything for them, and etc. Follow your heart sweetie."

"If I told him that I do he would never say it back."

"That's okay some people don't know how to express their love but you have to be patient. Not everyone falls in love quickly. If you do say it then beware Zyon may be a little different considering he may have a couple of family issues."

"I understand."

"Let's go to the mall then afterwards go to the apple store and then the phone store."

My new book should be posted really soon so keep on a look out😁

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