Chapter 19🧡

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"Does he feel guilt?" Eliza asks Sariah.



"He does. He feels like because he missed so much with Zyon, and he feels like Zyon doesn't really like him or wants to adjust to him."

"He actually enjoys the time with him. When uncle brought up the fact he was going to his job with him he was really excited. His facial expressions changed and he wasn't in a good mood this morning."

"What was wrong?"


"Y'all got into it?"

"I wouldn't say that. I was just upset with him because he pushes me away all the time. I just want to help him but he doesn't want me to."

"I understand both sides. He's scared and you want to help. Just give him time to adjust. He's going through a lot eventually he will open up to you."

"Okay I understand."

"So son this is my office. Soon will be yours if you enjoy today. Next I will show you my personal assistant and where her room is located." Joshua says.

Zyon nods and follows his dad to the other of the building.

When they were finished they went back to his office to get ready for one of his business meetings. Joshua gave him a run down of everything and what to do in the room.

Joshua gave Zyon a note pad to write down any information he thought was needed for the project. If Zyon thought something wasn't a good idea he would lightly tap on Joshua and which would indicate that it wasn't a good idea.

"Good morning. I really wanted to present to you these build boards and what they stand for and why I want you to copartnership with me." The man says.

"Good morning to you also. You may present what you have and explain to me why you want me to partner up with you."

"Yes sir."

Hours later the meeting was done. The man wanted 70 percent of the benefits and Joshua wasn't for it. The man wanted most of Joshua's workers to do most of the work but only get 30 percent out of the whole thing. Even Zyon knew he was trying to rip him off.

"Son let me see your notes."

Zyon hands them over to him. He heard everything word for word and wrote what her needed.

"Good job. You did exactly what my assistant would do. Not bad for your first day. We can eat lunch now and come back." He says then packs up before they leave.

"Okay so lastly the apple store and phone store." Sariah says.

"We have to get wrapping paper."

"Oh yeah let's stop at Walmart right quick."

"Okay. Question. Are y'all going to try to get custody of him?"

"We want to. We heard a lot that has been going on since y'all met and it's sad that right now we don't have physical evidence of it. He's actually called CPS but made sure they kept it anonymous so they wouldn't know. They showed up and didn't find anything wrong with the house and the other kids living there. So unless Zyon comes out we can't do anything about it."

"That's sad. I witnessed his own brother and sister bully him and nobody did anything. That's why I don't understand cps. They don't never want to do anything unless it's too late."

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